health affected the electoral campaign. The race of 340 candidates

health affected the electoral campaign. The race of 340 candidates
health affected the electoral campaign. The race of 340 candidates

FANO Healthcare is the issue that most influenced the electoral campaign for the election of the new mayor. An induced theme because the mayor has only the nominal role of local health authority while the competence to organize and manage the health service lies with the Region. But the citizens suffer from the shortcomings and inefficiencies, so the candidates did not miss the opportunity to address them.

Regional expectations

Competing are Cristian Fanesi for the centre-left, Stefano Marchegiani for the progressives and Luca Serfilippi for the centre-right. The stakes are high because the centre-right (led by the Brothers of Italy) after having conquered almost all the red strongholds also wants to put the flag on the third city of the Marche – where in reality it has already governed for 10 years with Aguzzi – believing more difficult to conquer the second one (Pesaro).

Proof was given by the presence in Fano in recent days of the President of the Region with the political and governing elite of FdI to support Serfilippi. Acquaroli reiterated the blame on the center-left of Ceriscioli and the national technical governments for the lack of health planning in the last decade, which is the origin of the current shortages of doctors and the critical issues of waiting lists.

The PD’s response

The Democratic Party responded with the coup of enlisting among the candidates for the municipal council the head doctor who has been the pride of Fano healthcare since the days of Marche Nord: Cesare Magalotti, director of breast medicine, who balances it (albeit partially) with active mobility the flaw of the Fano residents who go for treatment outside the region. Magalotti denounced that Santa Croce is no longer as attractive as it was 7 years ago (when he arrived), the doctors are leaving and in his opinion the planning is wrong because quality cannot be achieved by strengthening peripheral hospitals.

For the rest, the electoral campaign did not suffer any shakes, once the division of the broad camp due to the disagreement on the primaries (which took place at a heart-pounding pace with the victory decided by three votes) had been metabolised.

The different visions

In essence, Fanesi, the outgoing councillor, gives the centre-left the credit for a city made more beautiful and functional for services in the last 10 years; Marchegiani, who broke with the centre-left, claims, at the helm of a heterogeneous alliance centered on the M5S, the need for a strong-willed government, overcoming the logic of deciding not to decide of the last decade; Serfilippi intends to change pace by promising renewal and competence with the catharsis of the 10 years that have passed since the last centre-right council, of which he was councilor for 3 and a half years.

The liveliness of the debate

The topic of the logistics hub that emerged at the last minute in the Prg gave liveliness to the debate, while on infrastructure there was no news after the revocation of the 20 million euros for the Gimarra road, which remains the most feasible work to try to recover them, confirming the Fanesi’s lucky aura (who didn’t pay the price for losing them).

The most awaited result is the run-off given that Serfilippi himself protested against the power pact for the second round that his opponents would have made, demonstrating that he too is not very convinced of winning the elections immediately.

The candidate for the council

In total, there are 340 candidates for the Fano municipal council, including aspiring mayors, for 15 lists (5 per coalition). The largest team (for a candidate) is that of the centre-right: Luca Serfilippi plus 119 aspiring councillors. The group of progressives follows: 118 councilor candidates plus Stefano Marchegiani. Then the centre-right: Cristian Fanesi plus 100 councilor candidates.


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Adriatic Courier

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