Bologna Fc and Bimbo Tu together on the Dall’Ara lawn for a charity picnic

Bologna Fc and Bimbo Tu together on the Dall’Ara lawn for a charity picnic
Bologna Fc and Bimbo Tu together on the Dall’Ara lawn for a charity picnic


Bologna FC 1909 And Baby You together again, this time for a picnic on the lawn of the Renato Dall’Ara stadium. A magical evening, with 1200 people having dinner on the grass and celebrating the rossoblù club fresh from qualifying for the Champions League, without forgetting solidarity.
The proceeds from the dinner are destined for an important objective: the renovation of two pediatric Brief Intensive Observation (OBI) rooms and the work in two hospital rooms of the Pediatrics of the Maggiore Hospital, dedicated in particular to patients with psychopathological disorders.

It is not the first time that the club and Bimbo Tu have taken to the pitch together. Already in 2019, in fact, they had organized an unforgettable event at the Dall’Ara Stadium entitled “Tutti Standing for Nicole”, dedicated to the young fan Nicole Perera, who died prematurely in the winter of the same year due to a brain tumor.

“The pleasure of a summer evening, the camp as the protagonist of a glorious season and the future of our children as the sole objective: this is the spirit that guided us in organizing ‘Bologna tifa per i bambini’, an event dedicated to our city and its unparalleled fans,” he says Alessandro Arcidiacono, president of Bimbo Tu.

“For years, Bologna and Bimbo Tu have worked together with commitment and passion to carry out charitable initiatives to support children and their families. The picnic on the pitch of the Stadio dall’Ara, home of Bologna, is an unprecedented initiative open to all those who wish to contribute to a noble cause, demonstrating their love for Bologna and the desire to make a difference in the lives of the most small,” he declares Marco Di Vaio, sporting director of Bologna.

“Bologna supports children and sees us alongside Bimbo Tu and Bologna since its origins: in recent years we have achieved, together, numerous very important objectives in favor of pediatrics in Bologna”, underlines Andrea Rizzoli, President of Bcc Felsinea.

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