“Where is the Tower?” for 30 million visitors

“Where is the Tower?” for 30 million visitors
“Where is the Tower?” for 30 million visitors

A promotional campaign entitled ‘Where is the tower?’ to make Pisa’s tourist offer known in its entirety in Italy and abroad, leaving the Tower in the background. This is the strategy on which the municipal administration is focusing to counter the tendency towards ‘hit and run’ tourism and prolong the stay of visitors in our city, pushing them to go “even beyond miracles”, as underlined by the councilor for tourism Paolo Pesciatini during the press conference organized for the launch of the campaign. Two different advertising campaigns will be created, aimed respectively at a national and foreign audience, with 500 photographic shots, 20 video spots, and 40 editorial contents also produced in foreign languages ​​(English, French, German). “Tourism is a driving sector for our economy, but it requires a prospective vision – observed Pesciatini -, which is why despite the important results achieved with over 2 million visitors we must continue to work to extend the stay of our guests in the city, and we can only do this by promoting the overall tourist offer of our territory”. Among the lines of intervention contained in the tourism development plan, “that of communication is essential – continues the councilor – which is why we have created a multilingual promotion campaign, with a graphic image and a unitary visual language, with the objective of reaching the highest number of potential tourists by representing our entire context to them”.

The campaign will be made up of five macro areas, art, sea, nature, tradition and science to enhance all the places that best represent the city. The overall cost of 157,380 euros (146,400 euros from the Ministry of Tourism; 10,980 euros from the Municipality of Pisa), of which approximately a third will be invested on the main social platforms (Facebook and Instagram) to intercept the widest possible audience and reach 30 million of views. The person entrusted with the campaign, which will last 18 months (conclusion at the end of 2025), is Danae Project srl of Massa. The promotion campaign, which includes both advertising releases on regional and national media outlets and on social platforms, is part of a broader program which includes four tourism projects aimed at promoting the city for a total value of almost 600 thousand euros. “The objective – concludes Pesciatini – is also to extend the tourist season, demonstrating that Pisa has a reception capacity of 365 days a year”.

Stefania Tavella

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