From the Port to the Passetto, seventy Porsches cross Ancona – News Ancona-Osimo – CentroPagina

ANCONA – June 16th will be a spectacular Sunday, promoted by the Club Passione Porsche Marche, which is celebrating 15 years since its foundation. The vintage cars of the prestigious German company, together with brand new models (including electric ones), will cross the length and breadth of Ancona. Doing the honours, naturally, is the first of the Marche porschisti, the president of the Club regional, Antonio Pierluigi.

The roar of the engines will start in via Natalucci 2, in the Baraccola industrial area of ​​Ancona, home of the ˊVia Vaiˊ dealership. Appointment at 9, with a procession that will leave only after a breakfast among the cars of the center Italy. The participants who will take part in the procession, in fact, come from all over the Marche and beyond.

On the left, President Pierluigi with the Commissioner for Reconstruction Guido Castelli

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«I received memberships from Bologna and a large part of Emilia-Romagna, as well as from Tuscany, Abruzzo and Umbria», underlines president Pierluigi. Approximately seventy Porsche they will then cross the north-south axis to arrive in the center around 10.15am. Then, the entrance to the port: stop and photos in front of the Arco Clementino with a panoramic view of the Cathedral of San Ciriaco.

«We are a group of friends who have fun together – highlights Pierluigi -. What we do is called cartourism. We like to rediscover our history city, but also of small hamlets and villages in the Marche where our excellence is found, from food and wine to paintings and works of art. On Sunday we will even talk about the Dorians in front of the Fountain of the Two Suns.”

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A story, that of the Club Passione Porsche Marche that begins in 2009: the first dinner among those 30 newly registered members was at Passetto. And right here, in the new MaWay restaurant, there will be aperitif and lunch between porschists. The 70 cars will arrive from Viale della Vittoria after having explored the ancient area of ​​the capital: after the port, in fact, the program includes an obligatory stop at the Cathedral: «We will cross via della Loggia, piazza del Senato, Street Pizzecolli And square of the Dad» says the president. Meeting point, the War Memorial, at 11am. Here, there will also be a greeting from the Doric Mayor, Daniele Silvetti, and the local authorities (the Municipality of Ancona has given its patronage, ed).

Many prominent personalities in the Marche region own a Porsche. «The identikit of today’s Porsche driver? The level has certainly risen, prices have increased dramatically – explains Pierluigi – But everyone can be able to invest in one Porsche. Of course, these are mostly freelancers, industrialists of small, medium or large companies. They are there too lawyers, doctorsaccountants and notaries”.

Photo courtesy of Club Passione Porsche Marche

«Having a Porsche – continues the president, a well-known face of Ancona tennis and much-loved physical education teacher – is not that demanding. Let’s start 20 thousand EUR, there are many young people who work, live with their family, make sacrifices and choose to buy a Porsche. It is a safe investment, which yields a lot in the long term”, guarantees the professor.

«Maintenance is not that burdensome – he comments – I’ll give you an example: redoing the bumper of a Fiat costs 700 euros, the piece of the bumper of a Porsche costs 180-200. It’s the labor that’s expensive – she reflects – but having a Porsche in the garage means keeping a check circular in hand”. Consumption in line with cars such as BMW and Mercedes (“ten kilometers per litre”).

At the rally, many historic cars, including several 356s: «We will also have the 912 and the Taycan, that is, the completely electric, which however – he confesses – is not very popular among enthusiasts. The sustainable impact is good, but what we want to hear from Porsche – concludes the president – is its roar”. After lunch, scheduled for 1pm at the Passetto, the procession will depart towards the tourist port. Not before taking a tour around the Mole Vanvitelliana. For the whole morning, the stop in the square IV November it will be prohibited to allow the exhibition of the seventy racing cars even coming from outside the region.

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