Yesterday morning the mayor of Aprilia Lanfranco Principi, at the park dedicated to the fallen of Kefalonia, proceeded to unveil the commemorative plaque for Loreto Gentilucci and Antonio Renzi, two civilians who died during the bombings in the Caffarelli area of ​​Aprilia, in the days following the Landing of Anzio and Nettuno of 22 January 1944.

Present at the ceremony, coordinated by the chief of staff of the Mayor Marcello Rampolla Del Tindaro, the commander of the Local Police of Aprilia Massimo Giannatonio, the commander of the Carabinieri station of Aprilia Lieutenant Pietro Maglione, the commander of the Tenenza of the Guardia di Finanza of Aprilia Leopoldo Festa, the Bersaglieri Association Adelchi Cotterli section, the Aprilia section of the Alpini Association, the president of the association A Memory for Peace Elisabetta Bonacini, the councilors Vittorio Marchitti and Veronica Napolitano, the city councilors Nicoletta De Rossi, Luana Caporaso , Davide Tiligna and Davide Zingaretti and representing the municipal administration of Lanuvio with responsibility for institutional relations Maurizio Santoro.

Also present at the ceremony were Mr. Franco Tantari, proponent of the initiative, and Mrs. Giuliana Gentilucci, Loreto Gentilucci’s daughter.

After the usual greetings, Mayor Lanfranco Principi proceeded to unveil the plaque and gave a floral tribute to Mrs. Giuliana Gentilucci.

“This year – explains the mayor of Aprilia – the 80th anniversary of the Landing of Anzio and Nettuno was marked by a multitude of events and ceremonies, which were entrusted not only with the task of remembering those tragic days for Aprilia and for all the other municipalities that were the scene of clashes between the opposing armies and for the liberation of Rome by the allies. The aim of these initiatives is also to keep alive the memory of those who sacrificed their lives for the right ideals of democracy, justice and peace.

Those touching moments bring to mind the images of the harsh fighting that led to the death of thousands of soldiers, but the war also represented a huge tragedy for thousands of families, thousands of civilians who were forced to abandon their homes without knowing if they would ever be able to return to you. For some it also meant helplessly witnessing the loss of their loved ones, who died in those tragic days.

For the city of Aprilia, inaugurated only a few years ago, the days following the Anzio landing on 22 January 1944 meant death and destruction. The devastated city became the scene of battle between the German and Anglo-American armies. Thousands of civilians were forced to evacuate, to take refuge in other cities or even in other regions to save their lives, leaving everything they owned here. Many civilians were not so lucky: the war suddenly broke into their existence and they died under the bombings even before they had any clear idea of ​​what enormous tragedy was about to befall them.

Loreto Gentilucci and Antonio Renzi are the symbol of that involuntary sacrifice that also befell civilians in those dramatic days. Death surprised them while they were working inside a farmhouse in the Cappellolli area of ​​Aprilia. They died under the bombings, Loreto Gentilucci passed away on January 25th; Antonio Renzi on 26 January 1944.

Eighty years later, we strongly feel the need to preserve the memory of these two men, two workers, two family men. We want their sacrifice, that the grave loss that has affected their families, not to have been in vain. We want the memory of those days to bring them the honor they deserve and bring to the new generations that message of peace that as institutions we have the will and duty to convey.”

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