Details for Castellammare di Stabia and Naples

Discover the weather forecast for June 15, 2024 for Castellammare di Stabia, Naples and the provinces of Campania, including sea, air and pollen.

15 June 2024: Italy Weather Forecast with in-depth analysis for Castellammare di Stabia and Naples including forecasts for the sea, air and pollen

National Weather Forecasts
The June 15, 2024 It promises to be a particularly significant day from a meteorological point of view in Italy. High temperatures and a predominantly climate sunny will characterize much of the country, with some regional variations to take into consideration. Let’s see in detail the forecasts for the main Italian cities and their provinces, with a particular focus on Castellammare di Stabia, Naples and the other provinces of Campania.

Castellammare di Stabia and Naples

General Weather Conditions
On June 15, 2024, Castellammare di Stabia and Naples they will experience a day with maximum temperatures around 28-30°C. The sky will be predominantly serene with a few scattered clouds in the afternoon. The nighttime minimums they will wander around 20-22°Cguaranteeing a mild climate even in the coolest hours.

Forecast for the Sea
Sea conditions along the coast of Castellammare di Stabia and Naples they will be excellent for those who want to enjoy a day on the beach or practice water activities. The sea ​​will be calmwith a wave that will not exceed the 30-50 cm. The water temperature will be pleasant, around 24°Cideal for a refreshing dip.

Air Quality
The air quality will generally be Good thanks to the moderate winds coming from the sea which will favor the dispersion of pollutants. However, sensitive people, such as the elderly and children, are advised to avoid prolonged exposure during the hottest hours of the day.

Pollen forecasts
As regards the pollen concentration, a moderate presence Of grass pollen And olive tree, which could cause discomfort for allergy sufferers. The use of antihistamines is advisable for those who are particularly sensitive.

Forecasts for the other provinces of Campania

Avellino will experience a sunny day with maximum temperatures around 27°C. Air quality will be good and grass pollen concentrations will be moderate. The wind will blow weakly from the south-east.

Favorable weather conditions are also expected in Benevento, with clear skies and temperatures included between 18°C hey 29°C. Air quality will be excellent thanks to light easterly winds, and pollen concentrations will be low.

In Caserta the climate will be similar, with temperatures between 20°C hey 30°C. The sky will be mostly clear, with light cloudiness in the afternoon. The air quality will be good, while the concentration of grass pollen will be moderate.

In Salerno there will be a sunny day with maximum temperatures of about 28°C. The air quality will generally be good, but allergy sufferers are advised to be careful as the concentration of grass pollen may be high.

The weather forecast for June 15, 2024 indicate a favorable day for outdoor activities throughout Campania. The high temperatures and the clear sky will make this day ideal for trips, excursions and beach activities. It is recommended, however, to take precautions regarding sun exposure and to pay attention to pollen levels, especially for those who suffer from allergies.

We remain available for further updates and wish you a wonderful day of good weather.

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