«A reform of the land register is necessary»

There Puglia it is among the Italian regions in which the impact of the Imu on family income it’s taller. With a average withdrawal of 1,597.61 euroscompared to a GDP per capita of only 21,589 eurosit’s a tax pressure equal to 7% (well above the national average) Puglia ranks immediately behind Campania and Sardinia.

According to the analysis conducted by Uil, the tax burden weighs most heavily in the southern regions, where incomes are lower and the incidence of taxes is heavier.

In Bari you pay an average of 3,108.58 euros per year in IMU, a figure that places it among the most expensive cities in Italy. They follow Toasts (2,726.39 euros), Lecce (3,086.10 euros) e Taranto (1,482.68 euros).

Second homes are also expensive. Bari comes in eighth place in the national ranking for the cost of IMU on second homes, with an annual outlay of 1,435.25 euros.

Uil Puglia asks immediate intervention to rebalance the tax system e lighten the burden of the IMU on families. “It’s necessary a reform of the land registry that makes property taxation fairer”, claims the general secretary Gianni Ricci. «We must take into account the disparity between different regions and proportionate the tax to the real value of the properties and the citizens’ ability to pay, without penalizing the already impoverished South”.

«The situation in Puglia is unsustainable», points out the Uil Puglia which issues a warning to the Government: «We can no longer allow families to be crushed by such heavy taxes. We need a change of direction to ensure a more just and sustainable future for all.”

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