Benevento weather, the forecast for tomorrow Sunday 16 June

The forecast for Sunday 16 June a Benevento show an overcast sky for the entire day, with a high probability of precipitation during the evening. The maximum temperature will be around 29.9°C during the morning, while the minimum will be 16.6°C overnight.

During the morningcloud cover will be 98% with a temperature that will be around 29.1°C perceived. The wind will blow from West – South West with a speed of 18.2km/h.

In the afternoonthe situation will not change significantly, with overcast skies at 99% and a temperature that will reach i 29.4°C. The wind will increase slightly in intensity, coming to blow at 22.3km/h always from the West – South West.

In the evening, the chance of precipitation will increase, with overcast skies at 100% and a temperature that will remain at 21.4°C. The wind will still come from the West – South West, with a speed of 7.1km/h.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for the next few days to Benevento indicate a start to the week full of clouds and pleasant temperatures, with possible precipitation during the day Sunday. It is advisable to pay attention to evolving weather conditions and be prepared for possible rain during the evening.

All the weather data for Sunday 16 June in Benevento

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