Rental emergency, Sunia Cgil: «The Municipality favors the owners. Families in tragic situations”

Rental emergency, Sunia Cgil: «The Municipality favors the owners. Families in tragic situations”
Rental emergency, Sunia Cgil: «The Municipality favors the owners. Families in tragic situations”

GROSSETO – Despite ourselves, we are forced to intervene to highlight that the “Rental Support 2024” project promoted by the Municipality of Grosseto to support families in rent, mainly ends up supporting landlords who own apartments, taking away resources from the ordinary tender of contributions aimed at low-income people who have difficulty paying the rent.

«What we contest – he explains Antonio Terribleprovincial secretary of the Sunia CGIL – is that with this choice resources are taken away from the ordinary fund for rent support, already decimated by the Meloni government’s choice to cut all the resources available at a national level, shifting the problem of housing tensions onto local administrations ».

«The ordinary fund of the Municipality of Grosseto, which directly concerns the tenants who are those most in difficulty and need to be helped, is limited to around 300,000 euros compared to 800,000 two years ago. With the choice to allocate 220 thousand euros to be paid directly to the owners of apartments, following an initiative by their tenants with whom they agree on a reduction in the rent, it favors those who have fewer problems paying the rent compared to those with water in the throat. A growing number of families, an expression of serious social distress that is spreading like wildfire with situations bordering on human drama.”

«Moreover – concludes Terribile – due to the way it is structured, the tender operates according to the click-day logic, whereby “first come, first served”. Which is honestly not very understandable or acceptable from our point of view.”

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