Cremona Sera – Einaudi: farewell to the professorship for the former vice-principal Giulia Beduschi, Bruna (Bila) Bertoli, Antonella Maria Maglia and Alberto Bonfanti

Cremona Sera – Einaudi: farewell to the professorship for the former vice-principal Giulia Beduschi, Bruna (Bila) Bertoli, Antonella Maria Maglia and Alberto Bonfanti
Cremona Sera – Einaudi: farewell to the professorship for the former vice-principal Giulia Beduschi, Bruna (Bila) Bertoli, Antonella Maria Maglia and Alberto Bonfanti

Four retirements at the “L. Einaudi”. They leave the chair Giulia Beduschi (Science), Bruna Bertoli (Physical education), Antonella Maria Maglia (Religion) ed Alberto Bonfanti (Support). As for the first, there is no doubt: “Giulia Beduschi is Einaudi”. To express it, on behalf of everyone, is Federica Gaboardiwho took over from her, as deputy, in 2015. Gaboardi herself repeated it publicly, during the convivial moment, in the Seminar, adding with humility: “You believed in me, before I did myself”. With Giulia Beduschi, a piece of history is lost, an important piece of the identity of the Cremonese school world: her work cannot in fact be considered limited to the “Einaudi” microcosm. Words attesting professional and human appreciation, for her as for the other professors who will soon be on leave, also came from the manager Nicoletta Ferrari, who spontaneously stated: “Thank you very much for what we have built together. I kiss you”. The colleagues gave the birthday girls a jewel, applauding a lot and, certainly, there will be an encore in the collegial meeting on Monday. Giulia Beduschi, who was the “first lady” of the IIS “L. Einaudi, “you don’t hide a slight regret at having to necessarily close a cycle:”I told myself that it is a phase to go through in ‘fading’: discomfort is inevitable. I will have to reinvent myself and I fear I won’t be capable of it”. For this reason, Giulia postponed the ringing of her last bell until she was able. On the horizon, however, new jobs and activities are already emerging: “I will focus on volunteering – explains -, because, by helping others, I will simultaneously do something for myself and study the English language, to travel abroad and to approach foreign literature. I will cultivate the interests that I had to neglect: art, cinema, reading. At home, I want to recover spaces that are no longer filled with documentation and various circulars. I want to be an even more present aunt for my wonderful nephews”. After graduating from high school “D. Manin”, the degree in Parma in 1981, the qualification in 1987 and a parenthesis at the ITCG “GB Rubini” of Romano di Lombardia and at the “L. Pacioli” of Crema, Giulia Beduschi arrived at “Einaudi” in 1995, to spend the next twenty-nine years there. In Cremona, she was the right-hand man of the legendary headmaster Franco Verdi, who, with her proverbial eloquence, praised her pupil thus: “I still have an excellent and grateful memory of the intelligent, pedagogically motivated, innovative and generative collaboration with Giulia Beduschi, who was vicar, in the second part of my long and exclusive leadership at ‘Einaudi’. She came from the ‘Pacioli’, the court of Peppino Strada, on whose empire the sun never set, with the baggage that came with it. A pleasant, friendly, charismatic woman, with a sweet and firm character, measured and effective in her relationship with the students and with the entire staff, distinguished in her features and solid in both scientific and teaching skills, Prof Beduschi has made a fundamental and irreplaceable contribution to our mission, focused on training personalization and inclusion. With full measure, Giulia Beduschi deserves respect, gratitude and affection from the community she belongs to”. Later, under Carmine Filareto, Beduschi made the decision to take on the role of teacher only, a choice about which she declares: “It is the role in which I felt most fulfilled: helping students in their growth path made me look forward, with a smile”. Giulia Beduschi was instrumental in the Quality Area for twenty-three years and, in fulfilling this role, she was able to combine the meticulous precision that distinguishes her with the spirit of service, sharing of objectives and dedication to her work. In this regard, Giulia proudly specifies: “In the beginning, thirteen schools joined. Now, there are three left. The commitment is enormous, however, it is not a question of obtaining a badge: the question is not reduced to respect for the form”. Born in 1962, ISEF graduate with 110 cum laude from the Sacred Heart of Milan in 1984, panathlete since 2019, sporty to the core, Bruna Bertoli, known as Bila, is retiring after forty-two years and eight months of honored career, thirty-five of which in gym of the “Einaudi” (except for the debuts in Casalasco and Crema and a small stop at the “Stanga”, when it was supernumerary). They are only four less than the record, which remains the exclusive prerogative of Francesco Capodieci, who taught Law and Economics, in via Bissolati, from 1983 to 2022. Capodieci participated with a limited representation of the “old guard” (Rosaria Daniele, Agnese Rambaldini, Cristina Vignaroli) at the dinner in honor of retirees, demonstrating the fact that certain jobs and certain relationships stick to you and never let go. Retirement will allow Bruna Bertoli to take care of her family and to continue to cultivate, with determination, pragmatism, a decisive attitude, a sense of discipline, rigor and enthusiasm, the profession of FIRS third level federal coach, available to the Italian team, activities for which was awarded the prestigious Bronze Palm for Technical Merit by CONI. With gratitude towards the principals with whom she interfaced, she underlines: “Thanks to them, I was able to pursue my two passions in parallel”. From tomorrow, Bruna Bertoli will promote competitive skating among primary school children, thanks to a Panathlon initiative and she will be the national and international coach of the Asd Skate Labs. The lessons also end for Antonella Maria Maglia, who, after her scientific studies, her teaching degree at the Catholic University of Brescia and her degree in Theology in Bologna, was an educator in municipal youth centers and in communities for minors. Antonella observes: “It was a very strong human experience, which nourished my emotional transport for fragile adolescents, full of anger and with a great void of love”. Subsequently, he went to middle school and then to high school, in Cremona and Casalmaggiore. Antonella Maglia states: “I interpreted my subject as a mission to bear witness to with joy and faith, in the name of Jesus. I liked to complete the lessons with meetings with experts, significant figures and with visits to places of Christian worship present in the Territory. I also accompanied the boys to the “House of Hospitality”, to “La Tent of Christ”, even to the Piadena mosque. I cared a lot about the project in synergy with the city prison and with Don Claudio Burgio, chaplain of the “C. Beccaria” Juvenile Penal Institute in Milan and head of the “Kairos” association. From now on, I will have more time for my artistic, tourist and religious interests. I won’t stop dedicating myself to others. I will start decorating glass again, painting, enjoying the sea, nature, my cats”. Finally, the working terminus for Alberto Bonfanti, who, in 2022, welcomed and entertained those who attended with the guitar, at the beginning of a teachers’ college. Federico Benna, actor, former “Einaudi” teacher, now at the IIS “A. Ghisleri”, pleasantly listed the reasons why it is possible to live the farewell lightly: “For you, no more alarm clocks, paperwork, minutes, recovering part hours, etc. etc., etc.: we envy you!”.

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