it is the triumph of Venturina – Grosseto Sport

Invictasauro – Venturina 0-0 (0-1 aet)
INVICTASAURO: Massellucci, Bruni, Paccagnini, Tavarnesi (16′ pts Foudal), Perciavalle (4′ pts Berti), Affabile, Zarone (22′ st Francavilla), Rosadoni, Maruccia, Liculescu (16′ st Rossi), Conti (29′ st Sabbatini). Available: Borghetti, Frediani, Fortino, Bigliazzi. Coach: Federico Angelini.
VENTURINA: Cavaglioni, Alestra, Canessa, Politi, Calò (45′ st Bellini), Lolini, Neri, Miele, Toninelli (7′ sts Makarov), Romagnoli, Sovran (29′ st Larini). Available: Donati, Massini, Bergamaschi, Guazzelli. Coach: Dario Giacomini.
REFEREE: Nicola Mascelloni; 1st assistant Daniele Guidarini, 2nd assistant Raffaele Lampedusa.
NETWORK: 2′ pts Toninelli.
NOTES: Liculescu, Rossi, Politi, Toninelli, Romagnoli booked. Corners 8-3. Recovery: 1′ + 3′. 1′ sts + 2′ sts.

GROSSETO. Venturina raised the 49th Bruno Passalacqua cup. With merit, meticulousness and the perseverance of the group. Invictasauro, holders of the trophy, played a low-paced, uniform match, almost extinguished in the advanced section, residues of the lactic acid accumulated in the 120′ long semi-final with Follonicagavorrano and unlucky due to the post hit by Affabile in the 11th minute of the match. second overtime. The victory was ratified by Toninelli in the 2nd minute of the first extra half of a match in general with few highlights and little emotion.

At the start you can sense that the celestial whites have more energy. In the 3rd minute, after a quick turn of the ball, Calò’s shot is out of measure, in the 17th minute Venturina still prevails and in the 25th minute goes two meters from the lead denied by a defender’s header into an empty net. Invictasauro was limited to a game of containment until the 44th minute when Bruni’s headed deflection was blocked by Cavaglioni.

The second half follows the first fraction with Venturina expressing ideas and running. Romagnoli’s assist (12′) allows Toninelli to be in front of Massellucci who is good at intercepting the conclusion, in the 13th minute Toninelli hits the crossbar from an excellent position, in the 18th minute Massellucci puts a difficult ball from the usual Toninelli into the corner. The Invictasaurus has difficulty climbing forward. The 90′ ​​ends with the shots of Affabile (31′) and Maruccia (35′) both off target.

We move on to extra time and it’s an immediate goal: Neri concludes, repels Massellucci, Toninelli bursts in and scores, 0-1, it’s the 2nd minute. In the second extra time, Angelini’s boys came close to scoring in the 4th minute, with a header that went just wide, and hit the post in the 11th minute. Then the joy unleashed as Venturina returned to the cup’s roll of honor after 37 years of waiting following the 1987 success over Sauro (6-5 after penalties).

The prices

Awards to Scarlino and Follonicagavorrano as third place. Best goalkeeper (Marco Maffei award) to Riccardo De Masi (Scarlino), best player (Renzo Trovò) to Drame Diagne Sevigne (Atletico Piombino), the best goal (Massimiliano Gambassi) to Gianluca Vettori (Grosseto), most combative player Amed Sebastian Alabay (Scarlino), Disciplina cup at Fonteblanda, best referee Alessandro Luca Maretti, Panathlon lifetime achievement award to Pietro Magro, president of Aiac of Grosseto, Coni award “A life for sport” to the journalist Mario Roggi. Recognitions for the finalist coaches Dario Giacomini and Federico Angelini (Roberto Caselli and Angelo Agnelli prize), Mattia Pallini (Follonicagavorrano) the title of scorer (Marco Severi prize), Aiac prize for Dario Giacomini, a memory to the trio of the final.

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