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“The European elections were good, but no people under 40 in the city council in Pescara. We need a change”

“The European elections were good, but no people under 40 in the city council in Pescara. We need a change”
“The European elections were good, but no people under 40 in the city council in Pescara. We need a change”

“Young people reward progressives and PD, lost in Pescara due to lack of vision, now council without under 40s, change is needed. Pratense over 500 votes in Città Sant’Angelo”

If the young people’s vote rewarded progressives and the Democratic Party in the European elections, in the local elections and in particular those of Pescara the fact is that in the city council there will be no one under 40 to reflect on in order for real change to take place.

This in summary is the budget given by the general secretary of the Young Democrats of Abruzzo Saverio Gileno who also notes the excellent result of the young dems in Città Sant’Angelo with Paolo Pratense and in Rosciano with Francesco Cerasa.

Gileno (Gd)’s satisfaction with growth at a European level

“With the vote in the European elections, the progressives and the Democratic Party see a good and growing result. All this above all thanks to the consensus of the young people – declares Gileno -. The Democratic Party is, according to surveys, the leading party in the under 30 age group and achieved 25 percent of non-resident voters. This is because with Elly Schlein and the commitment of the GiovanidDemocratici throughout Italy we have taken on a clear and strong vision: for peace, an end to poor work, environmental protection and the development of European integration”.

“We are like young dems, also satisfied with the result obtained from the Abruzzo candidacy of Manola Di Pasquale, who has always been alongside the battles of our organization – he adds -. At the center of every reflection, however, there must be abstention: politics no longer gives confidence and there is disinterest, non-participation in the elections demonstrates this, we must listen.”

The secretary of the young dem critical of the administration

On the administrative elections front, Gileno is decidedly critical with a few exceptions for which, continues Gileno, the young democrats say they are “happy” with the results in Mosciano Sant’Angelo with the election of Mirko Rossi, Salle with Davide Morante, Torano Nuovo with Anna Ciammaricone, Pineto and Castiglione Messer Raimondo with Vincenzo D’Ercole.

“The overall outcome, with the defeats in Pescara, Montesilvano and Giulianova, is decidedly negative despite the commitment and also the great results of the girls and women candidates. This is because there has definitely been a lack of vision and idea of ​​the future, a sadly relevant fact is that in Pescara there will be no under30s or under40s in the opposition”, underlines the Gd regional secretary.

“The commitment of the young dems was politically fundamental, obtaining excellent results and the election of Francesco Cerasa in Rosciano and Paolo Pratense with 547 votes in Città Sant’Angelo – he reiterates -. We are extremely satisfied with this latest result, Paolo built and led the centre-left project in Città Sant’Angelo and his commitment will now be fundamental. Unfortunately, however, the over 500 votes of our Claudio Mastrangelo were not enough to obtain the election in Pescara, alongside the excellent results of Silvia Sbaraglia in Pescara, Marcello Secone in Città Sant’Angelo and Walter Verrigni in Montesilvano”.

“To design an idea of ​​the future of our cities and convince citizens – concludes Gileno – we need to start from the results of young people, we need to change everything”.

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