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Torre del Greco is a tourist city


Torre del Greco is a tourist city

Acknowledgment by the council of the resolution approved by the Region

Torre del Greco is in all respects a tourist city. This is the result achieved through the resolution approved in yesterday afternoon’s session, Thursday 13 June, by the council led by mayor Luigi Mennella. With this act, the fourth city of Campania is therefore equivalent to other recognized municipalities in the province of Naples, for geographical prerogatives and for the presence of sites of interest or characteristics of attraction, potentially of interest for visitors coming from all over Italy and from ‘abroad.
A resolution that is in some ways historic, which could be followed in the coming weeks by other acts linked precisely to the tourist potential of Torre del Greco. It all starts from the national measures adopted a few months after the explosion of the pandemic: with a specific law, in particular, it was established that “the national statistical institute (Istat) – we read in the document approved by the Torrese executive and signed by first citizen and the manager Gaetano Camarda – defines a classification of economic activities, with reference to areas with high tourist density, in order to highlight the territorial tourism connection”.
Following these directives, Istat has drawn up the relevant list, following in particular – again as is remembered

o in the resolution – two criteria: “The ‘prevalent tourist category’, defined as the potential tourist vocation of the Municipality, identified on the basis of geographical (proximity to the sea, altitude, etc.) and anthropic (large urban municipalities) criteria; the ‘tourist density’, expressed by a consistent set of municipal statistical indicators, designed to measure the presence of infrastructural facilities, tourist flows and the impact at a local level of productive activities and employment levels in specifically referenced sectors of economic activity to the tourism and/or cultural sector”.
On the basis of this, the council of the Campania Region “has taken note of the Istat list of tourist municipalities in Campania, as a regional list of tourist resorts or cities of art, within which, among other things, Torre del Greco is recognized as a tourist city ”.
The council’s decision was therefore an acknowledgment of the regional resolution: “A necessary and very important decision for our city – underlines the mayor Luigi Mennella – as it will allow us to promote a series of initiatives aimed at valorising our territory , as well as allowing us to apply for specific funding dedicated precisely to the development of the tourist offer”.

Friday 14 June 2024 – 11.25am | © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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