there is luxury tourism but we need adequate hotels”

Closed in 2016, after 30 years of dance dominance in Ibiza, Space, from Platja d’en Bossa, moved, by will of its creator Pepe Rosello, to Riccione, on the hills of the Green Pearl, where, until a few year ago, there was Prince, first, and Musica, then. And it’s shining again. As it did in the first decade of 2000, when young and old people from all over the world arrived on the island of the Spanish dolce vita to spend at least one night in the “Best global club”: recognition that for five years (2005, 2006, 2012 , 2013 and 2014,) was awarded to him by the International Dance Music Awards. «And now Space is here on the Riviera – proudly comments the artistic director, Fabrizio De Meis, former owner of Cocoricò and president of Rimini football – and it has immediately become a point of reference for everyone». To the point of recording record attendance. «At the inauguration on Sunday 2 June we recorded almost 6 thousand entries – specifies De Meis –. Young people, but also 50-year-olds, who have arrived here from the most distant places such as Australia, the United States, Malaysia, Costa Rica, Mexico up to the countries closest to us such as Germany, Sweden, Scotland, England, France, Portugal. In short, everywhere.”

De Meis, the Riviera has therefore returned to being the center of the world…

«Let’s say that it has returned to being central in the Italian musical panorama. And this could also have an impact on tourism.”

Why tourist?

«Because thousands of people of all ages, many Italians obviously, but many from all over the world, who decide to travel thousands of kilometers to come to Space are a nice business card for an area that lives mainly on holidays».

What customer profile have you attracted?

«Let’s say that, in addition to the many young people, 20 year olds and 30 year olds, who poured into the central arena, the VIP area, the one for 40 year olds and 50 year olds, was very packed. I won’t reveal the names, but I can tell you that there were also actors, as well as entrepreneurs and well-known people from the world of luxury. And I’m talking about people who aren’t just Italian.”

Is it true that very expensive bottles of wine were uncorked?

«Of course, in the restaurant we have a rich collection of very fine wines, which only great connoisseurs know about. Well, they asked us for more than one from the tables.”

Can you tell us at what price?

«Even at 15 thousand euros a bottle. And I’m not exaggerating.”

Can you reveal to us the highest amount spent at a VIP table on the opening night of June 1st?

“Yes. Even though I know that what I’m about to tell you will create surprise and resentment in some. A table of eight people, including collectible wines and very fine champagne, spent 50 thousand euros. And there is no restaurant at Space.”

You told us about many VIPs, young and old, even foreigners. Where did they stay?

«In the few 5-star hotels in Rimini and Riccione, which have sold out. Thus, not allowing us to satisfy all our customers. I would therefore like to make a note: it would be appropriate for the hotel sector to think about creating more luxury structures serving the Riviera.”

You told us about the global target: how did all these people come to Riccione?

«Those who have a private jet landed directly at Fellini airport. For the others we used a company specialized in transfers which brought them here from the Bologna airport where they arrived.”

Not the most comfortable…

«Exactly. I believe that Rimini and Riccione, from a tourist point of view, cannot ignore direct flights to the main European cities: Berlin, London, Paris, Barcelona”.

De Meis, a final curiosity: tell us about the car park outside the Space…

«Let’s say that my work is mainly inside the club. But I can guarantee you that I saw several Ferraris and Lamborghinis arrive. Don’t ask me, though, if it’s owned or rented (laughs, ed.)”.

Next evening?

«June 29th. And we already have many requests and reservations.”

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