The handover. Italian Florence-Bologna. The derby has just begun. First ‘challenge’ on the market

The handover. Italian Florence-Bologna. The derby has just begun. First ‘challenge’ on the market
The handover. Italian Florence-Bologna. The derby has just begun. First ‘challenge’ on the market

The starting date of the retreat at Viola Park has yet to be established (Biraghi and his associates will meet between the end of the first and the beginning of the second week of July) and yet there are at least three aspects from which Raffaele Palladino is ready to start again with respect to the mass work that Vincenzo Italiano left him as a gift: in the meantime, a tactical solution in which the former Monza coach, in the last season, chose to reflect himself several times (the 4-2-3-1 was the dress in which the Brianzoli played a good part of the last championship), then a mentality of the team on the pitch characterized by the propensity for ball possession and aggression (which in fact is also the daily bread of the Viola who have the coach from Campania in mind) and, last detail but not least, the ability to play every three days and, consequently, manage forces throughout the week (this is an aspect in which Palladino will have to measure himself). And it was precisely from the journey in Europe and from the bitterness of the defeat in Athens that Italiano wanted to start again, on the day he was presented as Bologna’s new coach.

“We all could have done better but I am convinced that I have completed a good three-year period” he said from the press room of the Dall’Ara stadium: “If there is one regret that I carry with me it is the final in Athens and not being able to win a trophy: I would have liked to play the match against Olympiakos again a minute after finishing it.” And between one dig and another at those who accuse him of having three finals lost in one year on his conscience (“We often forget how to get to the end of a tournament: the path that led to the finals with Fiorentina has a value”), now for the new rossoblù coach it is time to think about the transfer market and, among others, two Viola players put in the notebook: Kouame (who the Italian has requested) and Bonaventura.

Andrea Giannattasio

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