“Messina is the best. Pitch, market and communication”

MESSINA – The main news already last night was that Mister Giacomo Modica has reached an agreement for the renewal with president Pietro Sciotto and will remain in the saddle for two years until 2026, “if it goes badly it will be me who will leave” he specified the mister. At that point the first two questions that were asked to him focused on the managers who will support him, in particular the sporting director who will have to make the transfer, and on the training field issue, which we understood to be essential for him. Then repeating several times how important organization is.

A troubled season off the field and a negotiation in the last two days that was not simple or even predictable at a certain point. But it seems that Modica’s line has passed also because he was the one who spoke out in these months of silence on the part of the club and in any case when things went wrong he was the scapegoat of a minority of the fans. But in view of the new season, where the coach seems to hope for a new course, he says: “Everyone will have to play their own role. Objective? Improve our championship and if we were fighting for the playoffs the dream is to get there in the top ten.”

On the Messina market

The coach hinted that it was difficult to close with him at the moment and therefore it is not yet known who the sporting director will be. “If it were up to me and if they asked me, but they already know, I would be for keeping Domenico Roma”, at the same time the coach would also like to have a bit of a say in which players to take. Drawing a fishing parallel he says without mincing words that if the fishing doesn’t turn out well someone will take it out on him.

When asked if there is anyone he would like to reconfirm with the players he has coached who are out of contract, he replies: “For what we did last year, I would keep them all, we find ourselves having to rebuild a team starting from five elements which are few.” Then there is also the reference to finding those 3/4 unders who always play because playing time will be important in the next season too.

The team will train outside

The training camp issue, especially after the now collapsed agreement with Camaro, is fundamental in Modica’s idea of ​​football. To a specific question, the coach replied that at the moment the pitch is there, in Giammoro, therefore outside Messina. An idea that in reality the coach had also entertained last year during the current season, but this year he seems to have been more adamant: he doesn’t like taking the team out of Messina, but it is necessary for his way of coaching.

In the meantime we also have to think about the pre-season training camp. The season should start at the end of August so “considering that my retreat needs 40 days we could already be late”. Doing the math, the team should already be starting on July 10th and despite this the coach admits that if things proceed like this “in the first few days we will be heavy and stuck”.

“Let’s improve our communication”

Giacomo Modica independently called a press conference because in his opinion it was right not to leave the square still without news. Modica himself explained how “everyone will have to take care of him, I am the coach and I want to do that. Then there will be those who deal with the youth sector, those with finding a field and those with communication, from this point of view too I believe we need to improve.”

The coach hoped for greater transparency with the press in knowing the progress of the team, but the invitation to attend training sessions during the week remains open. “They are always open – explains the coach – and in this way we avoid phone calls afterwards and I remain fair to everyone”. He was heavily absent yesterday from the head of the press office Davide Gambale and it is not said that it was a coincidence.

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