Modica signs a two-year contract and remains in the saddle of ACR Messina: “Long-term project”

Modica signs a two-year contract and remains in the saddle of ACR Messina: “Long-term project”
Modica signs a two-year contract and remains in the saddle of ACR Messina: “Long-term project”

The separation between ACR Messina and Mister Giacomo Modica it now seemed like a done deal, but the meeting that the coach had today with the president Pietro Sciotto was decisive, and therefore Modica he will sign a two-year contract with the Giallorossi team. This was confirmed in an interview given to messinanelpallone.itthe coach himself: “We needed to give some answers to the city, to the fans and to ourselves. It’s important to understand everyone’s tomorrow. Being an employee of the club, it wasn’t me who had to call the club, we were a bit slow even to the priority of registering for the championship and the president’s health problem. In any case I will be the one to leave if things don’t go as we hope. It is a long-term project depending on how much can be spent.”

The coach does not go too far on the other figures: “The DS does not depend on me, I have great respect for Rome, made me make peace with Sciotto after seven years of arguing. He is a man I am very close to.”

We’re talking more about the transfer market: “We want to improve what we did last year, with a championship with supersonic speed at the end. I can’t say we’ll go to Serie B but I hope we’ll be a fun team that will do better than last year. We would like to finish in the top ten, but only the field will provide the answers. The obligation is to rebuild a team, with four under for playing time. I will pay attention to those who gave us a great hand last year, they gave and received and will have an open door, but first we have to understand what we need. Now, however, we are waiting for the General and Sports Director and we will understand, but everything must be done quickly because in a month, more or less, we will go into training camp.”

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