Full solidarity with the mayor of Reggio Calabria from “La Svolta” and “Italia Viva”

Full solidarity with the mayor of Reggio Calabria from “La Svolta” and “Italia Viva”
Full solidarity with the mayor of Reggio Calabria from “La Svolta” and “Italia Viva”

La Svolta Group: “Full support for mayor Falcomatà and his majority. Enough distorted narratives and exploitation”
The councilors of the civic group reject the accusations and express confidence in the judging bodies
“As a council group and, above all, as free and democratic citizens, we reiterate our full support for the majority and for the mayor Giuseppe Falcomatà. At the same time, we censure any distorted narrative and any political exploitation of a judicial matter that is still only in its infancy and yet to be clarified, which sees the mayor himself totally uninvolved in behavior that would justify any actions on the part of the national government bodies”. This is what the city councilors of the “La Svolta” group stated in a note.
“For Giuseppe Falcomatà, his personal history and his constant, zealous, continuous and pressing commitment against all forms of illegality speak for themselves. The fight against the ‘Ndrangheta and the attack on any form of organized crime – the councilors continue – are banners that this majority and this mayor can raise with pride and without fear of denial. Anyone who claims the opposite, anyone who raises doubts and raises suspicions is evidently in bad faith or animated by such a greed for power that makes him blind even in the face of evidence.”
“We trust, as always, in the work of the talented magistrates of the Reggio Calabria Prosecutor’s Office and we are certain that, in the end, everything will be amply clarified. However, it is our duty to bring to the attention of public opinion the ongoing attempt to construct a totally distorted narrative of reality which, indeed, sees and recognizes Giuseppe Falcomatà as light years away from murky logics and dynamics. We don’t say it, but the investigators themselves clearly support it in the investigation documents. For this reason, we invite minority colleagues and anyone else practicing the medieval art of the pillory to tone down and restore the right order to things. Throwing fuel on the fire, fueling a climate of hatred and contempt towards institutions, waving the weapons of slander and defamation do nothing but exacerbate an already tense climate. We invite everyone to relax and be reasonable, free from ideological, political or party constraints, continuing to always trust in justice. We, as far as we are concerned, will proceed on our journey “barefoot and without an escort” as Italo Falcomatà taught us.”

Italia Viva: “Falcomatà is a respectable person, ours is an authentically anti-mafia administration. The political-administrative action must continue as and more than before for the good of all the people of Reggio”
The councilors of the municipal group openly stand in defense of the mayor Falcomatà, expressing full confidence in the work of the judiciary and rejecting the invectives of some opposition councilors to the sender
“Giuseppe Falcomatà is a respectable person. His history, his life, his actions, his political and administrative activity are clear testimony to this. His name compared to events involving the ‘Ndrangheta is absolutely an oxymoron. The Falcomatà Administration is a truly anti-mafia administration, a clean administration, light years away from shady deals. We challenge anyone to argue otherwise.” This is what the municipal councilors of the Italia Viva group in Reggio Calabria stated in a note.
“It is simply shameful that some minority councilor dares to ask for the resignation of the mayor, who is simply under investigation, without clear evidentiary circumstances, in an investigation that concerns events that are far from the governance of public affairs. On the other hand, it is the same judge for the preliminary investigations who writes in black and white the mayor’s involvement in illicit conduct, and it is useful to reiterate that even the investigating prosecutor’s office itself failed to request any precautionary measures for the mayor, as happened instead for the other politicians involved, for whom the requests were in any case rejected and who we are certain will have the opportunity to clarify their position by demonstrating their total non-involvement in the disputed facts”.
“What’s certain anyway. is that the political-administrative action initiated by the Mayor – continue the councilors – among other things in recent years marked by a strong and determined cultural and substantial action to combat organized crime in the city territory, must continue, as and more than before. And we will be at his side to continue together the cleaning activity that the mayor inaugurated after the disastrous seasons of the center-right of Reggio. This is the municipal administration that took the houses away from the bosses to offer them to the poorest families. This is the trademark of this administration.”
“Just to give a few examples: the legality protocol on construction sites, the support activity for justice witnesses with reductions on municipal taxes, the abolition of taxes on confiscated assets used for social purposes. And still going back we remember the opening of the civic center of Archi dedicated to Peppino Impastato, the reading for the first time in the history of the city of the names of the mafia victims on the occasion of the day of remembrance, the initiatives alongside the honest entrepreneurs of the city , the meritorious activity that the Municipality has done for the management of confiscated assets intended for social purposes and dozens of other initiatives that it would be too long-winded to mention”.

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