Astronomical evening at Cep with Misericordia and the Grazia Deledda Association

Astronomical evening at Cep with Misericordia and the Grazia Deledda Association
Astronomical evening at Cep with Misericordia and the Grazia Deledda Association

Pisa, 13 June 2024 – La Misericordia di Pisa and the Sardinian Cultural Association Aps Grazia Deledda organize for Friday 14 June starting from 8.30 pm an astronomical evening which includes thestellar observation and access to the modern digital planetarium and a series of conferences on astronomical themes. Thanks to the collaboration with the astronomical observatory of San Giuseppe, starting from 8.30 pm inside the Misericordia spaces it will be possible to enter the complex world of astronomy through guided tours.

“The choice to create an event of this type in a neighborhood that is not central but considered peripheral like that of CEP it is strongly desired” says Sandra Capuzzi commissioner of the Misericordia of Pisa. “First of all, our headquarters are in this neighborhood and the first message wants to be Mercy, we are here and we are here for our neighborhood, we have started again and we are available to the territory and its citizens”.

Capuzzi continues: “Secondly, many people live in this neighborhood who probably won’t have the opportunity to enter a planetarium and perhaps not even to access scientific information. With this initiative we also want to be protagonists in a different way in June Pisano by making the neighborhood live also with cultural initiatives allowing those who live there not to have to leave and at the same time making the suburbs live and putting it back in the center of the city. In the evening it will also be possible to support the Mercy for those who can do so. The events are free but support is always important.”

“This is the first of a series of initiatives that we will organize within our headquarters, both cultural and health information – concludes the commissioner of the Misericordia of Pisa -. The collaboration with the Sardinian Association is almost inevitable. We have identified the topic of the Einstein Telescope which Pisan researchers also follow and which sees Sardinia as the first person protagonist in this battle. This is one of the major European research projects with a worldwide scientific impact. Sardinia is a candidate to host this project in the abandoned Sos Enattos mine in the Nuoro area”.

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