The Proximity Office opens in Busto and Fagnano. Justice closer to citizens

BUSTO ARSIZIO – Ribbon cutting in via Candiani for the new Neighborhood Office in Busto Arsizio, housed in the premises of the former immigration desk in the wing of Palazzo Gilardoni which in the past was occupied by the Police Station. And it also inaugurates from a distance the Fagnano Olona Proximity Office, in the municipal office of the Castle. “Justice closer to citizens” is the slogan of this initiative born from synergy between the Busto Arsizio Court and eight municipalitieswith Busto Arsizio as the leader together with the seven administrations of the Olona Valley that report to the Azienda di Valle.

What is done at the Proximity Office

Forward the practices for Support Administrationrequest authorization from the guardianship judge, request authorization from issuing of valid documents for expatriation. But also request the appointment of a special curator or receive support for filling out forms in force at the judicial offices. And again, have assistance and support on legal protection institutions (guardians, minor guardianships, support administrations) or obtain assistance for other services of the voluntary jurisdiction which do not require the assistance of a lawyer. These are just a few examples of the reasons why a citizen of Busto Arsizio and Valle Olona (and only those residing in the participating municipalities) from next week you will be able to contact the Local offices in Busto Arsizio and Fagnano Olona instead of going to court. As well as having the opportunity to receive a free orientation and information service in the legal field without having to contact a lawyer for a fee.

Less paperwork in Court

The local offices are an initiative that “starts from afar”, as he recalls the president of the Court of Busto Arsizio Miro Santangelo, referring to the seven-year European program 2014-2020 which financed the start of these initiatives. «With the suppression of the branch offices of the Courts the relationship with the citizens has deteriorated a bit and a substitute was needed – explains Santangelo – this activity was taken on by the Municipalities who, despite the lack of staff, deservedly accepted the Court’s appeal». A fundamental synergy to relieve the burden on the justice building in via Volturno – where the staff shortage in administrative offices is 45% – of front office practices and activities, thanks to the presence of these new offices which represent, for Santangelo, «an important leap in quality for the justice service. Citizens without the assistance of a lawyer will be able to have information, support and the possibility of sending requests electronically.” And the president of the Court takes advantage of the opportunity to acknowledge the municipal administration of Busto Arsizio of the «great sensitivity towards the problems of the Court» and to pay thanks to Anna Maria Mirarco, an official of the innovation office of the Court, “because if we leave today it is thanks to him”. For Dr. Mirarco it is “a challenge”.

The times

The Municipalities did their part, providing space and staff (trained by the Court) to create the two branches. The one in via Candiani in Busto Arsizio will be open every day Thursday from 2.30pm to 5.30pmthat of Fagnano Olona at the Castle Monday from 2pm to 6pm. An effort for what the mayor of Busto Arsizio Emanuele Antonelli defines “an essential service for citizens”. Admitting that «the Ministry is not close to usbut with this project together with the Court and the support of the Region we do a step to bring justice closer to citizens». And if the mayor regent of Castellanza Cristina Borroni the mayor of Fagnano Olona underlines that “unity is strength”. Marco Baroffio points out that the new desk “is a bridge between the institutions and citizens”.

The expectations

In Fagnano Olona for the first opening day on Monday 17 June «a booking has already arrived», as announced by the councilor for social services Dario Moretti. In Busto Arsizio, however, studies are already underway how to implement timetables if the counter is successful. The councilor takes care of social inclusion Paola Reguzzoni he has important expectations: «There is a lot of case history between support administration, voluntary guardianship and the elderly. The first user will be the Municipality itself, which has around fifty elderly people entrusted to the institution, 15 just since the beginning of the year. A growing phenomenon.”

bust arsizio fagnano proximity office – MALPENSA24
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