In Calabria, the baptism of the High Anti-Mafia training school

It is Calabria that inaugurates the experience of the High Anti-Mafia Training School. This morning in Lamezia Terme, the course organized by the national Uil and the #Noi Association began, aimed at local executives and union leaders from across the country.

The process, in fact, started from one of the territories most affected by mafia phenomena, but will continue in the coming weeks, gradually involving Uil managers from the other Regions. Present at the initiative was the Secretary General Pier Paolo Bombardieri and, in the role of teacher, the journalist Federica Angelia leading exponent ofAssociation #Weknown for her courageous investigations into the Roman mafia and who, for this reason and the serious threats received, is forced to live under guard.

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«With this initiative – declared Bombardieri – we aim to achieve two objectives. We want to clarify, first of all, that we will never give up, because silence is the worst enemy in the battle against the mafias. Furthermore, we want to offer our local managers the tools to understand the phenomenon and understand how to move within the realities in which they operate.”

TO KNOW MORE: Mafias: Gratteri ad Avvenire, “beware of the dark web, some use cryptocurrencies”

«We must be aggregators of strength and courage – underlined the Secretary of the Uil – in this battle that we have decided to fight together with the #Noi Association and Federica Angeli, who has made the fight against the mafias her very reason for living. We must build – concluded Bombardieri – that critical mass that creates a network and does not give up”.

The “dream” of Giovanni Falcone

«We are realizing a dream of Giovanni Falcone – he declared Federica Angeli – who had understood the process of transformation of the mafias and, therefore, had hoped for the creation of a high anti-mafia training school which would see the unions as protagonists. I picked up that idea and – underlined the journalist – we are realizing it for the first time with Uil. Mafias hate unions because they can be an obstacle to their modus operandi in some production situations and in the world of work and can break some of their dynamics. Only by knowing them – concluded Angeli – can we defeat the mafias”.

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«Today’s lesson – declared the General Secretary of Uil Calabria, Mariaelena Senese – it was not only a moment of advanced training, but also a powerful testimony of how individual commitment can make the difference in the collective fight against organized crime. Our region – continued Senese – is often associated with negative images linked to organized crime, but we know that this land is also and above all a place of great resources, of honest and hard-working people, of a lively and active civil society. Our hope – she concluded – is that the work of this school can contribute to forming a new ruling class, aware and prepared, capable of guiding our society towards a future free from mafias”.

The next stages of the High Anti-Mafia Training School

The next stages have already been set: Rome, Bologna and Genoa are the cities that will soon host this training course, destined to continue with increasingly specialized and detailed in-depth studies for all Uil executives and managers.

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