Health, useful advice from the Tuscany Region in view of the arrival of the heat

Health, useful advice from the Tuscany Region in view of the arrival of the heat
Health, useful advice from the Tuscany Region in view of the arrival of the heat

Stay indoors during the hottest hours (especially if elderly), but also indications on the opportunity to rescheduling shifts for those who work outdoors, more frequent breaks and keeping an eye on the weather forecast. As summer approaches and the certain increase in temperatures the department for the right to health of Tuscany region recalls attention to heat waves and the effects they could have on the health of elderly people, the frail but also workers.

The information material on the correct behavior to follow, handbooks and circulars will be sent to the local health authorities, municipalities, associations, general practitioners and pharmacies. In parallel there will be a campaign on the Region’s digital information channels. This is a preventive action, necessary in view of the increase in temperatures in recent years, and has become one of the priorities of the department’s agenda.

Elderly and frail

At Older people It is therefore suggested to cool the rooms of your home in the early hours of the morning and, during the day, not to overdo it with the air conditioning in order to avoid sudden temperature changes. Please also remember to stay in the coolest and most ventilated rooms and to avoid washing with cold water. As regards nutrition, remember the importance of one light dietbased on fruit, vegetables and fish, avoiding alcohol and caffeinewhile constant hydration and therefore drinking is recommended.

I am avoid traveling by car during the hottest hours of the day (from 11am to 5pm) and it is recommended to ventilate the passenger compartment after a long stay in the sun before entering, but also to bring some waterfall with you (useful in case of queues and slowdowns) or, before stopping if the car is air conditioned, to adjust the temperature to a maximum of five degrees lower than the outside temperature.

An important recommendation concerns i drugs, which remember must be stored at less than thirty degrees and away from heat sources. In the case of therapies for the treatment of hypertension or cardiovascular diseases, the invitation is to a more assiduous control of blood pressure, because heat can enhance the effect of drugs. Before making any decision on therapy, the recommendation is to ask your doctor.

All information is also available on the Tuscany Region website.


Reducing the risks that high temperatures can have on health and recommendations on behaviors to adopt or avoid are part of the prevention of accidents at work. The information and advice on how to intervene sent to the trade associations are reviewed heat stroke, heat exhaustion syndrome, cramps and sweat dermatitis, the symptoms are indicated and what to do is explained. Among the preventive actions we recommend ddesignate a contact person in the workplacetrained on the dangers and protection measures to be adopted.

There is also practical information, such as the link to a site where, based on the weather conditions, it is possible to calculate the empirical index used to understand whether exposure to a certain hot environment generates thermal stress or not.

Among the advice, there is that of make water and shaded areas available for breaks, preferably frequent, as well as promoting the acclimatization of workers by gradually increasing workloads and exposure to heat. The choice of clothing provided, training and information remains important. Among the recommendations there is also the review of work shiftsfor example by rescheduling priority activities to be carried out outdoors on days with the most favorable weather conditions and instead planning the most physically demanding activities in the cooler moments of the day.

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