Clash over Pride in Bergamo. The center-left administration revokes the patronage

It all started with the organizers’ invitation to exclude Israeli flags. The Italy-Israel association: «We will not participate». Arcigay, however, will be there but supports the importance of “avoiding unilateral positions”

Rights, Palestine and intersectionality. Strictly speaking, this is the message that Bergamo Pride wants to send, which this year, unlike previous years, will not have the patronage of the Municipality. For the centre-left administration, in fact, the organisation’s choice to exclude Israeli flags and symbols from the procession, “to avoid tensions”, is too “political”. And the decision also displeases the Italy-Israel association, which will no longer participate in the Bergamo parade.

It’s not long until June 15th, and the volunteers of the assembly reach a decision: «Israeli flags or flags praising related symbols will not be welcome». They make it known through Instagram and it takes many by surprise. «We like Arcigaybut also the other associations that will participate, we were in the dark about everything”, he comments Nicola Butta, president of the territorial committee. The will, as he explains Vittoria Pellegrini, legal representative of Bergamo Pride, «was – given the historical moment – to avoid tensions. It is clear that this decision was taken in a specific historical contingency.”

«We are an autonomous, independent and horizontal assembly. Anyone who wants to bring their requests can do so. We meet once a week all year round and are open to anyone. Pride belongs to the city”, insists Pellegrini. Even the attempts at mediation – between the organization and the administration – did not work because «for us (Bergamo Pride ed.) it would have meant taking a step back from our positions». And so the Municipality decided to revoke the patronage. The motivation, also published in a note on the institutional portal, reads: «The association has transformed the initiative from an event in favor of civil rights into a demonstration in favor of the Palestinian people». News that left organizers stunned: «We were very sorry and didn’t expect it. The municipality has always supported our initiatives and we hope that it will be the same in the future.” In the meantime, he also maintains that there is no rift between the Municipality and Bergamo Pride.

In addition to the desire not to find ourselves in tense situations, the assembly’s choice also sends a precise message: «Bergamo Pride promotes ideals of peace, sisterhood and brotherhood, which are incompatible with policies implemented against Palestinian people, not only in these last months, but from the beginning of the colonialist occupation to today.” And he wants to say “enough” to pinkwashing mechanisms or financing by “multinationals that financially support the ongoing genocide”. Because «the right to life must go beyond any political alignment and is what primarily animates Bergamo Pride. Without life there are no civil rights.”

«No, it is not a pro-Palestine march – adds Pellegrini -. Indeed, we want to bring an intersectional Pride to the streets, which opens up and embraces all identities and their oppressions. Pride, moreover, has never been a moment dedicated exclusively to LGBT rights.” And the same is also reported in their 2024 political document: «Every human being represents a intersection of identities, privileges and oppressions, and cannot be reduced to any of its individual parts. Fundamental to intersectional discourse is the rejection of any hierarchy of oppressions: no struggle is more important, more urgent or more noble than another.”

And although almost all the local entities will still participate in the parade, there are small differences. «This is not the opportunity to bring such a political issue to the streets», comments Buttai from Arcigay. «We all want a ceasefire, the release of the hostages and we condemn the massacre of civilians for which Netanyahu’s government is being responsible. But this risks creating rifts.” AND Arcigay Bergamo Cives she is convinced that «such complex issues, such as the Italian-Palestinian one, must be addressed with balance, empathy and deep reflection, avoiding unilateral positions that could increase further divisions and tensions. We want an intersectional and inclusive Pride.”

The renunciation of participation in the Pride ofItaly-Israel cultural association Bergamo. «The choice of “not to tolerate flags of Israel or those praising the symbols connected to the state of Israel” was reiterated by the promoters of Bergamo Pride – they write in a note – who opposed any attempt at dialogue and mediation, in line with the intolerant choice. And highlighting a dangerous extremist drift that also ignores the voices of dissent within the LGBTQIA+ movement.” The step backwards is therefore inevitable: «We will not participate because we don’t want this to ruin the party for those who are not at fault and probably don’t share or don’t even know the absurd position of the organizers. We will celebrate Pride by displaying the flag on balconies, windows and terraces, but without participating in the square.”

Not only. The association also announces that it has received several requests from citizens and other Italian entities to present themselves at the event with the LGBTQ flag with the Shield of David, «to counteract the choice of intolerance to organize the event, which is in contrast with the very philosophy of Pride. But we invited those who contacted us not to participate under the banner of Israel, because we do not want our presence to generate disorder and problems.”

«We were very sorry – comments Pellegrini -. I want it to be clear that nothing was thought or done against the Israeli people. Rather, it is a stance against a government that is killing so many civilians. Anyone who wants is and will always be welcome both at the Bergamo Pride assemblies and on June 15th».

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