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Nursery bonuses and new ISEE bands: Fiumicino and the Lazio Region together for concrete support for families

Nursery bonuses and new ISEE bands: Fiumicino and the Lazio Region together for concrete support for families
Nursery bonuses and new ISEE bands: Fiumicino and the Lazio Region together for concrete support for families

Fiumicino, 13 June 2024 – The Municipality of Fiumicino, in 2024, obtained regional accreditation for the eight directly and indirectly managed municipal nursery schools and for the educational year 2023/2024, the Lazio Region has allocated 11 million euros for the provision of service vouchers to familiesfinalized atreduction of the cost of attendance fees for the reception of children aged 3-36 monthsat the accredited educational services of the Region.

“The accreditation procedure was complex but very important because today it allows the families of children who attend municipal nurseries to access the regional nursery bonus which has the objective, fully shared by us, of reducing the economic and social vulnerability of families of the territory. This will allow di obtain a full refund of the fee or in any case a considerable reduction – declares the councilor for Social Policies, Monica Picca -. The nurseries accompany the growth of girls and boys, strengthen educational and social paths, fight inequalities at their origins and reconcile the lifespans of parents and in particular of women.”

The three-year regional program 2021-2023 had introduced the establishment of 10 ISEE bands to which the maximum fee payable by families for access to public educational services could be compared. For the three-year period 2024/26 the Region has established 10 new ISEE bands and has proportionally increased the threshold of the maximum fee, which the municipality is obliged to adopt.

“The Region intended to adopt a rebalancing by mediating between two opposing needs: equity of access for families and financial sustainability for Municipalities. The purpose of this provision is to make access to early childhood services homogeneous throughout the entire regional territory and thus cancel the differences in fees depending on the municipality of residence, guaranteeing many families the effective right of access to the service.” concludes the councilor by recalling that the criteria approved by the council refer to regional law n.7/2020 which places among its objectives that of “contribute to a better sharing of family care burdens with a view to increasing the participation of women and men in the labor market”. it’s on GOOGLE NEWS. To always be updated on our news, click on this link and select the star at the top right to follow the source.

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