A painting for Eritrea: solidarity auction at the ‘Stella Cometa’ headquarters in Cosenza

COSENZA – A framework for Eritrea. Friday 14 June, at 6.30 pm, as part of the events organized to mark the Association’s twentieth anniversary Comet Star OdVan exhibition will be inaugurated with the works of Pietro Pallone, an artist born in 1926 in Scigliano. The paintings, donated by his children, will be exhibited to the public at the Association’s headquarters in via Popilia 39, until 26 July, from Monday to Friday, from 9.30 to 12.00 and from 16.00 to 18.30. During the inauguration some works will be auctioned. With a donation, everyone can help support the Eritrea project, aimed at treating people affected by AIDS and to improve the living conditions of 80 families in difficulty. Italia Pallone, will talk about his father, his art and his choice to donate over 80 works to the Association.

The artist Alfredo Granata will guide those present, focusing on the technical particularities of the paintings. The President of the Association, Don Battista Cimino, will convey his greetings. This will be followed by light refreshments and a musical moment by the volunteer Gino Sax. The event, sponsored by the Municipality of Cosenza, has the support of CSV Cosenza, as part of the Volunteer Squares and is organized in collaboration with the National Carabinieri Association. The artist Pallone, awarded the title of Knight of the Republic for his commitment during his life, father of eight children, he leaves a legacy to be discovered and studied: his works reflect all the respect for the beauty of art which has the task of passing on messages of hope and brotherhood. Access is free and citizens are invited to participate.

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