The Carabinieri of Trapani remember “Pietro Morici” • Front Page


Today, 13 June 2024, the Carabinieri of Trapani remembers the Selected Carabiniere Pietro Moricioriginally from Valderice, barbarically killed together with Captain Mario D’Aleoand to thePinned Giuseppe Bommaritoin a mafia ambush in Palermo on 13 June 1983.

Captain Mario D’ALEO was born in Rome on 16 February 1954. In 1973 he began his military career with entry to the Modena Academy. He was appointed Second Lieutenant in the Carabinieri on 20 October 1975. Destined to the Carabinieri NCO School in Velletri and, promoted to Lieutenant, he was transferred on 28 May 1980 to the Command of the Carabinieri Company of Monreale, immediately distinguishing himself for his investigative initiative alongside by uncommon human qualities.

Officer Giuseppe BOMMARITO was born on 14 July 1944 in Balestrate. He enlisted in 1964 and was assigned to the X Mobile Battalion of Naples. Returning to Sicily at the end of 1965, he served in the Catalafimi Carabinieri Squadron and, from 1970, in Monreale as driver first of Captain Basile and then of Captain D’Aleo. On 22 July 1972 he married Girolama Galante with whom he had two children, Salvatore and Vincenzo.

The Selected Carabiniere Pietro MORICI was born in Valderice on 21 August 1956. He enlisted in 1975 and, after attending the Carabinieri Cadet School in Rome, was first transferred to Palermo and, finally, to Monreale.

The three soldiers of the Carabinieri were barbarously murdered on 13 June 1983 in Palermo in via Scobar. The material authors and mafia instigators of the crime were identified and sentenced to life imprisonment.

The President of the Republic, on 31 August 1983, awarded them the “Gold Medal for Civil Valor in Memory“, with the following motivation: “Commander and soldiers serving in the Carabinieri Company operating in an area with a high index of organized crime, although aware of the serious risks to which they exposed themselves, with a high sense of duty and contempt for danger, tenaciously carried out work aimed at countering the increasingly threatening challenge of the organizations mafia. Barbarously murdered in a treacherous ambush set with brutal ferocity, they sacrificed their young lives in defense of the State and the Institutions”.

On the occasion of the 41st anniversary of their death, a series of initiatives in memory of Car will take place in Valderice. Sc. Pietro Morici, with the participation of his family members, the Prefect of Trapani, the mayor of Valderice and a representative of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Trapani and of the National Carabinieri Association.

The commemorations will begin in the afternoon (5.00 pm) with the laying of a laurel wreath in Via Pietro Morici, followed by a brief moment of contemplation in prayer at his tomb in the cemetery. Finally, the Holy Mass will be celebrated at the Cristo Ree church and a laurel wreath will be laid at the commemorative plaque erected in memory of the Hero.

Since October 2010, the barracks of the Valderice Carabinieri station have been named in his memory.


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