synergy between institutions to protect the elderly from scams

A synergistic network between institutions to protect the elderly from scams was the central theme of the meeting held this morning at the social services department of the Municipality of Aprilia. This preliminary event kicked off a series of awareness-raising initiatives organized by the Carabinieri of the Territorial Department of Aprilia, aimed at informing the elderly on the most common tactics used by scammers and providing them with the necessary tools to defend themselves.

Notable presences

The meeting was attended by the councilor for social services Veronica Napolitano, the councilor Dania Zattoni, the commander of the Norm of the Aprilia carabinieri, captain Angelo Sgueglia, the commander of the Aprilia station, lieutenant Pietro Maglione, and the presidents of the senior centers in the area of Aprilia. This participation highlights the joint commitment of local institutions and law enforcement agencies in ensuring the safety of the most vulnerable citizens.

Statements by councilor Veronica Napolitano

“By history and tradition, among the police forces, the Carabinieri represents the body in closest contact with the social fabric, closest to people, their problems and their needs. This is also why it is important that they are the ones who offer citizens, starting from the most fragile ones, practical support to defend themselves from those who think they are taking advantage of a condition of fragility, of excess trust. Over the years these awareness events have proven effective. Many elderly people recognized the suspicious signs in time and escaped the clutches of scammers in time. We can only share the spirit and purpose of these meetings, trusting in a great participation from our senior centers”.

Goals and expectations

The initiative aims to create awareness among older people about the methods used by scammers and strengthen their ability to identify and avoid potentially dangerous situations. The active presence of the Carabinieri, with their experience and proximity to the territory, offers essential support for the success of these awareness meetings.

Invitation to participate

The municipal administration and the police invite all the senior centers in Aprilia to actively participate in these initiatives, in the hope of reaching an ever-increasing number of seniors and providing them with the knowledge necessary to protect themselves from scams. Collaboration between institutions and citizens is fundamental to building a safer and more aware community.

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