Ragusa: Presentation of the “Open Doors” project, top professional training in Sicily

Ragusa: Presentation of the “Open Doors” project, top professional training in Sicily
Ragusa: Presentation of the “Open Doors” project, top professional training in Sicily

Ragusa: Presentation of the “Open Doors” project, top professional training in Sicily

The first was held in Ragusa, in the premises of the LOGOS training institution masterclasses aimed at students who attend the third and fourth year of the hairdressing course, both in Ragusa and Vittoria.

The day’s work was opened by Dr. Lorenzo Tomasi of Logos who, after bringing the greetings of the president and legal representative Dr. Rosario Alescio, focused on the integrated learning tools, applied to Vocational Education and Training (IeFP) paths ). The professor. Giuseppe Alecci, presented the masterclasses, a tool that allows students, those already enrolled or who intend to enroll in the courses of the Logos School of Crafts, to gain practical experience through demonstrations by professionals. He also addressed the topic of professional training, underlining the importance of IeFP courses and in particular of the training offer of the Logos School of Professions which, in addition to allowing the fulfillment of compulsory education, stimulates students to improve general skills , expanding the opportunities for acquiring a professional qualification, providing coherent responses to the training and work needs of the area, in an increasingly competitive job market. Logos, responding to the problem of school dropout, also by creating synergies with partner companies that are leaders in specific sectors, promotes professional growth through tools that facilitate learning.

There masterclasses came to life with the demonstration part by Mario Tumminia, the technician from Wella, a partner company in the training project, who underlined the value and importance of the innovation of hair products and the most advanced processing techniques.

For the students of the hairdressing course of the Logos School of Professions, in addition to training and building skills, the opportunities that arise from collaboration with leading companies are fundamental, such as the possibility of participating in specialist events in the area, internships, school-work alternation, seminars for entering the world of work.

The Accademia delle Prefi The Accademia delle Prefi is a cultural association that promotes the history and memories of a Sicily that no longer exists… and tries to give the right visibility to young island talents who stand out in the world of art and sport, it also highlights everything that contributes to the improvement of the world of youth in all its forms. The Academy’s management wanted to highlight the profitable contribution of the “Logos” organization in the training sector.

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