In Bari “Lights on the City”, personal exhibition of the painter Mariarosaria Stigliano from 15 June to 15 July 2024

In Bari “Lights on the City”, personal exhibition of the painter Mariarosaria Stigliano from 15 June to 15 July 2024
In Bari “Lights on the City”, personal exhibition of the painter Mariarosaria Stigliano from 15 June to 15 July 2024

The personal exhibition “Luci sulla Città” by the Roman artist Mariarosaria Stigliano, set up in the two rooms dedicated to temporary exhibitions of the museum, offers a significant selection of her most recent works. For the occasion, Stigliano proposes a unique exhibition itinerary, in which the images dialogue with the observer, through literary and musical messages. This synergy between different art forms enriches the visitors’ experience, allowing them to connect with the works on multiple sensorial and emotional levels.

The exhibition, created in collaboration with the Municipality and the Civic Museum of Bari, is curated by Angelo Zaccaria, director and founder of Baart Galley, an exhibition space in the heart of Borgo Murattiano, which for years has pursued the objective of developing interest in art by collaborating with Italian and international artists and masters.

For the occasion, the exhibition catalog will also be presented by graphic designer Bruno Parretti, with texts edited by Tiziana Bellanova, art historian and art consultant of Baart Gallery. Tiziana Bellanova herself states that “Mariarosaria Stigliano tells a story that moves in the darkness and twilight of consciousness and invites us, like a Dostoevskian character, to enter the magic of the city and in a game of mirrors and symbols to distance ourselves for a moment from reality. For a moment, in fact lost and free in the middle of the night, we can fully admire what surrounds us such as silence, details, expectations, dreams and hopes and abandon fears and illusions. For a moment though, before dawn rises and the city awakens, returning to reality and asking ourselves what is the limit between the latter and the dream?”

The exhibition will be open to the public until 15 July, according to museum opening hours, from Monday to Friday 9.30-18.00, Saturday 9.30-13.30, Sunday and holidays 17.30-20.00

The entrance ticket to the museum (full €5, reduced €3) includes a visit to the exhibition. Reservation is only necessary for groups of more than 10 visitors. Info: 080 5772362, [email protected],

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