The 2024/2025 school calendar has been approved. The first bell in Basilicata will ring on September 16th

POTENZA – The first day of school for the students of Basilicata will be 16 September 2024 and the end date is set at 10 June 2025 for primary and secondary schools and 30 June 2025 for nursery schools.
This is foreseen in the approved school calendar for the year 2024/2025, given the nature of urgency, with management determination, pending ratification by the new Regional Council.

Based on proven needs, individual autonomous educational institutions will be able to bring forward the start date of educational activities by a maximum of three days.
The calendar – declares councilor Michele Casino – accepts Confindustria Basilicata’s request to start school activities no earlier than 16 September to align the region’s tourist capacity with that of the majority of neighboring regions which have set the start of school lessons after 12 September.
This choice therefore allows the tourist season to be extended by a few days, with undoubted advantages on the operators’ income statement, especially in the hospitality and seaside segment and allows many the possibility of going on holiday in a low season period, at lower price conditions. advantageous.
The calendar provides a total of 204 useful days of lessons for primary and secondary schools and 221 days for nursery schools, of which no less than 200 days are tied to lessons.
Among the provisions of the calendar, that of limiting the returns of a single day as much as possible, in the presence of suspensions and obligatory close holidays between September 2024 and June 2025, in consideration of the inevitable consequences that such choices have with respect to the needs of conciliation of times between family and work and to the needs of service managers and local businesses.
By July 15th, school institutions are required to communicate their calendar to families, local authorities and the regional school management.

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