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“A minute of silence for his election”

Before and after voting in the European elections, for obvious reasons, he is among the most talked about characters Ilaria Salis, the Italian now detained under house arrest in Budapest on charges of having taken part in the attack on a group of far-right militants. Candidate and elected with Greens-Left Alliancethe award-winning company made up of Nicola Fratoianni And Angelo Bonelliamassed a lot of preferences, reaching over 170 thousand, just as AvS exceeded all predictions by receiving 6.8% of the votes.

Immediately after the election, Bonelli and Fratoianni asked for the immediate release of Salis, ordering the government to bring her back to Italy, without however considering what the rules provide: it is impossible to grant her immunity as an MEP before the proclamation in Brussels. In fact, the name of Salis is at the center of the debate even for the harsh criticism came from those who contested the opportunity to nominate her to release her from prisonthink about the words of Ignazio La Russaaccording to which this type of practice “does not belong to democracy”.

Read also: Roberto Salis replies to Libero: “Salvini has a worse CV than my daughter”. Overwhelmed by criticism

And today, Wednesday 12 June, a new episode emerges. A new controversy. At the centre, obviously the anarchist Ilaria Salis. TO LuccaIn fact, yesterday – Tuesday 11 June – during the city council meeting the FdI councilor, Laura Da Prato, asked for a minute of silence for the election of Salis to the European Parliament. A sensational slap in the face for AvS and their candidate.

Read also: Before tomorrow, Feltri clashes with Fratoianni then leaves the connection

The video of what happened was published on Facebook by Francesco Raspini, opposition councilor with the Democratic Party. “Good evening everyone, I have to make a premise: I’m going to go a little off topic. It would seem necessary to me to have a minute of silence, perhaps only 60 seconds would be enough, for the election of Salis to the European elections”, stated the exponent of Fratelli d’ Italy.

Words welcomed by the buzz of those present in the courtroom. So, the answer of Enrico Torrini, president of the city council: “Evidently it is not possible to hold a minute of silence for someone’s elections.” The local Raspini, for his part, commented indignantly: “This is the level of the right-wing majority which unfortunately is governing our city. I don’t think there is any need to add anything else”. Amen.

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