He shot some thieves to defend himself, today he is Mayor: a story of hope

He shot some thieves to defend himself, today he is Mayor: a story of hope
He shot some thieves to defend himself, today he is Mayor: a story of hope

In the last few days, before yesterday’s investigation into the political-mafia exchange exploded, Reggio Calabria had ended up at the center of national news for another fact: the legitimate defense of the butcher Putortì, who attacked thieves who had broken into his home. To defend themselves, in fact. But one of them – in a situation still to be clarified – died shortly after, abandoned by his accomplices outside the Morelli hospital. The rest is known: Putortì continues to remain in prison, albeit unjustly. And for this reason the hamlet of Oliveto – where the man lives – also organized a torchlight procession a few evenings ago.

Right now there is a story indirectly linked to this, a very significant story of hope. Regard Rodolfo Corazzojeweler now just 68 years old elected Mayor of the Municipality of Rodano (Milan). What does it have to do with it, you might say? Well almost ten years ago, at the end of November 2015, the man shot at some robbers to defend himself, killing one of the threepart of an Albanian gang that had broken into his villa.

Even at the time, as today, Justice was not magnanimous, at least at the beginning. Mr. Corazzo was in fact investigated for excessive self-defense and only two years later his case was dismissed, with the defense thesis accepted. Today, after those difficult years and the desire to shout his good faith to the world, the man becomes Mayor.

And what will be among the strong points of your program? The security. Yes, precisely security, which was lacking in his municipality at the time. “What happened to me, I was kidnapped together with my wife and my daughter, then 11 years old, at home, threatened with weapons, will never happen again in Rodano”the man’s words to Il Giorno. “It was an impromptu case, disconnected from our reality, which will not be repeated, but we want to declare war on theft. Luckily they have nothing to do with what happened to us, but what it feels like when someone touches your things, violates your privacy, is horrible. And the law must protect citizens.”

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