Gino Lisa, the ‘Easy to reach’ bus service incompatible with flight times in Foggia: “Cotrap intervenes”

Gino Lisa, the ‘Easy to reach’ bus service incompatible with flight times in Foggia: “Cotrap intervenes”
Gino Lisa, the ‘Easy to reach’ bus service incompatible with flight times in Foggia: “Cotrap intervenes”

The details and timetables of the laudable service called Easy To Reach, created by the Puglia Region with the collaboration of the Puglia Airports, have been released: connecting the Apulian airports with the main locations of the Region throughout the summer of 2024 with direct buses. A fundamental and useful service for the development and growth of Foggia Airport and the entire vast territory for which it operates.

“Unfortunately, for the implementation of the initiative, the flight times operated at Foggia airport do not appear to have been analysed, since the trips depart and arrive at completely different times“, explains Mondo Gino Lisa.

Specifically, three incompatibilities emerged: “On Saturday there is no service from Gargano compatible with the only take-off (for Milan Linate) scheduled for that day, as the bus arrives at Gino Lisa 15 minutes after the flight departure time; Saturday is a very important day for tourist turnover in accommodation facilities and it is impossible not to make at least one useful connection available”.

Even the bus travel times to and from Castel del Monte are incompatible with all the weekly timetables of the flights operated by Gino Lisa. Ditto for connections with Cerignola: “There is no route compatible with the most important flight of the day, namely the Milan Linate”.

“Since this Easy To Reach service is very important and fundamental for tourism, as well as financed with public funds at the service of citizens – comments Sergio Venturino, president of Mondo Gino Lisa -, our association has already formally written to Cotrap requesting it to intervene and completely review the timetables, highlighting that a failure to modify it would lead to the certainty of making this initiative ineffective and useless, with consequent empty runs, making the laudable project that the Puglia Region has promoted for Summer 2024. To the letter sent, we have attached the flight times operated for the summer in Foggia. I also informed the Puglia Region of this reminder.”

Mondo Gino Lisa, however, gets very concrete: “For at least two months we have started a real insistent communication campaign via our social channels, which pushes us to choose Foggia Airport and make it known – adds Andrea Casto, vice president of the association – providing all travelers with basic information on everything that revolves around the Gino Lisa and a thousand reasons to travel to or from it. The target of this communication campaign is not limited to the province of Foggia but extends to the entire Vast Area and the territories directly connected by operational flights to Gino Lisa: from the data in our possession there has been excellent feedback, also in terms of people who then actually flew to or from Foggia”. The growing numbers recorded in the months of April and May 2024 confirm the trend.

“We have invested in the Mondo Gino Lisa website in the section – continues the vice president – who collects everything needed to travel from the Gino Lisa and choose it: from the flight times (in weekly representation, with the aim of giving a clear view to those who have to travel to understand all the flight combinations well and choose the most convenient ones for your needs), to real-time information, to the destinations you reach, to the ticket search engine. But that’s not all, on the Mondo Gino Lisa website all the timetables of the city buses are available (complete with indication of the position of the stops), of the direct buses to the Gargano, to Cerignola, to Campania, to the Dauni Mountains, for BAT and the north of Bari, details on the car rental services available, on car parks, on rental with driver (NCC), taxis, obviously also including telephone numbers and internet addresses. On the Mondo Gino Lisa website you can find everything you need, it is probably the only portal that is so complete given that not even those of the institutions include all this information in a single easily accessible point. We invite everyone to visit it regularly.”

Mondo Gino Lisa’s information campaign does not end here. “We have created and self-produced information leaflets that can easily be carried in your pocket“, comments Sergio Venturino. Inside these leaflets it is possible to find a selection of all the main useful information for those who travel and choose Foggia Airport: starting from the flight times, in weekly view, up to the end of the summer timetable 2024, information on buses, taxis, car rental services, destinations, services included in the ticket and much more. “Having this object in your pocket means being able to count on a clear and complete point of reference to make the most of all the services present at the airport and connected to it”, concludes Venturino.

Mondo Gino Lisa destroyed these leaflets at various points of attendance in the province of Foggia and beyond: “We invite everyone to go to one of the addresses listed to collect their copy for free, useful for traveling to Gino Lisa“, specifies Casto.

Here are the main leaflet collection points:

Province of Foggia
– Tobacco, Via Trento, Foggia
– Caffè Oro, Via Conte Appiano, Foggia
– Bar Gambrinus, Via Giovanni Gentile, Foggia
– Aci, Via Giovanni Gentile, Foggia
– Bar Gocce di caffè, Via Guido D’orso, Foggia
– Focus, via Napoli, Foggia
– Bar Malu’, Via Oberdan, Foggia
– Bar Cairoli (Tobacconist n. 1), Corso Cairoli, Foggia
– Tobacconist n. 8, via Giuseppe di Vittorio, Troia, Foggia
– Bar Caricone, Via Telesforo, Foggia
– Revenue Agency, Foggia
– INPS Province of Foggia
– Bar I PORTICI, Piazza Europa 100, San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia
– Villa pastry bar, Piazza Europa 29, San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia
– Hotel Sollievo, Viale Cappuccini 29, San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia
– Sanctuary pilgrimage office, San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia
– Bar Q8, San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia
– Cassano Petroli, San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia

Province of Avellino
– Municipality of Lacedonia, Lacedonia

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