The Corporate Roundtable for Nutritional Safety of the South East Tuscany Local Health Authority is born

The Corporate Roundtable for Nutritional Safety of the South East Tuscany Local Health Authority is born
The Corporate Roundtable for Nutritional Safety of the South East Tuscany Local Health Authority is born

The South East Tuscany Local Health Authority has set up its own company table for nutritional safety (Ta.A.sin) with the aim of strengthening the integration between the services present within the healthcare system, making direct actions more effective to change the lifestyles of the population and to promote healthy and correct nutrition and carry out nutritional surveillance functions.

The Table represents the meeting point between the company structures that deal with nutrition at a preventive and clinical level and the structures that daily meet and manage users who present problems related to food and nutrition. It is also part of the context of promoting a sustainable diet that includes not only nutritional safety, but also food safety.

The Table is coordinated by Doctor Giorgio Briganti, director of the Prevention Department of the Local Health Authority and is made up of representatives of departmental areas and company operational units and of the Siena University Hospital.

«The Tasin is an important opportunity for discussion between all the company and Vasta Area structures that deal with nutrition and food safety – underlines Dr. Briganti – and will allow the best operating methods to be shared, making the services homogeneous across the territory of the three provinces of Grosseto, Siena and Arezzo”.

Among the objectives of the Table are the definition of an integrated network organizational model for the vast area, the promotion of correct nutritional management of “fragile” subjects with particular regard to the fight against malnutrition in hospital and healthcare settings and communication initiatives for the improvement of knowledge in the food and nutritional field.

The activation of the company table for nutritional surveillance and the promotion of healthy eating is foreseen by the Regional Prevention Plan 2020-2025.

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