Emilia-Romagna has the new regulation for the management of ungulates

The new regulation on the management of ungulates, which replaces the 2008 one, obtains a favorable opinion of conformity from the Legislative Assembly of Emilia-Romagna. The changes are based on the need to respond to a changed wildlife context and to include the management of all species, including deer, in a single text.

Among the innovations introduced is that of the simplification of collective hunting methods: for example, the number of members of the hunting teams decreases (from 40 to 30) and the possibility of more incisive interventions in particularly critical situations such as, for example, example, in the case of combating swine fever. It will also be possible to agree with other neighboring regions and Park authorities on common guidelines for the unitary management of the species’ presence areas regardless of administrative borders.

Marta Evangelisti Of Brothers of Italy, in reiterating his vote against, highlighted “how the hunters, the true protagonists, have felt for too long the object of disinterest and have been waiting for a clear stance which has not existed. There is a stalemate phase due to the search for a balance with those who would like a drastic reduction in hunting activity. It is useless to continue to approve photocopy calendars, we would have liked an act of courage to provide answers and certainties”.

Massimo Bulbi of the Democratic party, in announcing his favorable vote, recalled that, in drafting the regulation, “the requests of the hunting world with which many meetings were held were accepted. The new regulation was necessary to remedy dated provisions, also in view of what is happening with swine fever.”

Stefano Bargi from the League, while underlining the availability of the Council, would have preferred to “address the debate on a political level. The simple opinion of conformity did not allow us to intervene directly on the regulation: in fact some of our proposals were accepted but others were not responded to. We would have liked to bring the center of gravity back towards the hunting teams, for example.” The League announced a vote of abstention.

The councilor forAgriculture, Alessio Mammi, clarified that the process to reach the drafting of the new regulation “was widely participated and institutional representatives and stakeholders were involved, such as the hunting world and the ATC”. “We have collected various observations and requests for improvement from the advisory groups, we have not stopped at the mere opinion of compliance. The regulation will make it easier to carry out collective hunting activities and improve the management of wild boar which represents a problem for agriculture and public safety”, concluded the councilor.

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