Padua weather, the forecast for tomorrow Thursday 13 June

The forecast For Thursday 13 June in Padua they expect a start to the day characterized by light rain with cloud cover that will stand at around 98%. Temperatures will remain around +14.8°C, with a slightly lower perception of cold. The wind will blow from the North East with a speed of around 22.2km/h and gusts up to 30.5km/h, resulting in a lively breeze. Precipitation will be approximately 0.23mm with a humidity of 90% and an atmospheric pressure of 1015hPa.

During the morning, weather conditions will not undergo significant variations, with light rains that will continue to affect the Padua area. Temperatures will rise slightly, reaching +15.6°C, but the perception of cold will remain stable. The wind will maintain the same direction and intensity, with precipitation expected around 0.13mm and humidity at 85%.

In the afternoon, the sky will be overcast with a decreasing probability of rain, settling at around 50%. Temperatures will remain around +16.7°C, with a slightly lower perception of cold. The wind will blow from the North – North West with a speed of approximately 10.2km/h, resulting in a light breeze. Precipitation will be approximately 0.19mm with a humidity of 79% and an atmospheric pressure of 1016hPa.

In the evening, the sky will be partially cloudy with a further decreasing probability of rain, reaching around 13%. Temperatures will drop slightly, reaching +17.1°C, with a stable perception of cold. The wind will change direction coming from the North East with a speed of approximately 6.2km/h, resulting in a light breeze. Precipitation will be absent, with humidity at 81% and an atmospheric pressure of 1016hPa.

In conclusion, the weather forecast For Thursday 13 June in Padua indicate an unstable start to the day with light rain, but over the course of the day the weather conditions will progressively improve, with a decrease in precipitation and a gradual increase in temperatures. However, it is advisable to pay attention to changes in wind and humidity throughout the day.

All the weather data for Thursday 13 June in Padua

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