Cremona Sera – Consumers: how to understand their choices. The mechanisms of consumer psychology explained to companies in an Accademia Assaggezza–Smea seminar at the Catholic University of Cremona

Cremona Sera – Consumers: how to understand their choices. The mechanisms of consumer psychology explained to companies in an Accademia Assaggezza–Smea seminar at the Catholic University of Cremona
Cremona Sera – Consumers: how to understand their choices. The mechanisms of consumer psychology explained to companies in an Accademia Assaggezza–Smea seminar at the Catholic University of Cremona

There are reasoned, weighted consumer choices that consider all available options and which represent the outcome of a careful cost-benefit analysis. Purchases which, in some way, can be called “algorithmic” because they follow fully logical and rational patterns. Then there are the “impulse” choices, dominated by our emotions and almost not at all governed by reasoning. And again, we find “heuristic” consumption mechanisms which, using past experiences, only partially exploit our reasoning abilities.

In other words – as consumer psychology explains – consumption decisions can be read as the outcome of a conflict between three consumers within us: the “algorithmic” consumer, the “impulsive” one and the “heuristic” one. This conflict is undoubtedly exacerbated by the growing complexity of the information stimuli we are subjected to on a daily basis regarding consumption options; complexity that puts a strain on our mind’s ability to correctly process all information.

The Taste Academy seminar

In short, what describes consumer behavior is a complex panorama, but a valuable panorama if well understood by entrepreneurs and managers. Starting from these premises, Accademia Assaggezza Levoni organized the seminar Consumer psychology: a science to support business choices in collaboration with Smea – High school of management and agri-food economics of the Catholic University of Cremona. To hold the scientific report, after the introduction of Davide Mambriani, responsible for Smea executive training courses and Marella Levonidirector of external relations and communications Levoni Spa was the teacher Guendalina GraffignaProfessor of Consumer and Health Psychology at the Catholic University and director of EngageMinds HUB – Consumer, Food & Health Engagement Research Center.

And as Graffigna explained in his report, psychology is as close as ever to corporate activity in various fields, starting with marketing and therefore with attention to the consumer. Because, in general, psychology tends to understand and influence or change people’s behaviors, including consumption choices.

Levoni Tasting Academy

Launched on the occasion of Cibus 2024, the Assaggezza Academy offers the possibility of following courses for operators but also of taking part in events open to the public or informative meetings, where the best professionals in the sector will contribute to enriching the narrative of Italian delicatessen. «In our company we have always been aware of the link between food and culture. This is why we wanted to create the Assaggezza Academy, a tool to spread knowledge and correct information, primarily on the cured meats sector but broadening the spectrum to all excellent Italian food products” is the comment of Marella Levoni.

With this seminar began a series of workshops proposed within the Unicatt Cremona headquarters which will see as speakers some professors of the University grappling with the interpretation of markets and consumption in the food field to provide guidelines to operators in the sector, but also to consumers and all enthusiasts and curious people in the food world.

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