Brothers of Italy wins in Frosinone, Pd second, Chiusaroli of Forza Italia towards Brussels

Brothers of Italy wins in Frosinone, Pd second, Chiusaroli of Forza Italia towards Brussels
Brothers of Italy wins in Frosinone, Pd second, Chiusaroli of Forza Italia towards Brussels

Fratelli d’Italia is the first party in the province of Frosinone with 33.69% of the votes. The definitive data arrived shortly after 10am today, Monday 10 June. Second place for the Democratic Party with 17%, then Forza Italia with 12.84%, the League with 11.89%, the 5Star Movement with 10.69%, the Green-Left Alliance with 5.4% , United States of Europe with 3.39% and Action with 1.99%, followed by the others.

Of the five local candidates running for a seat in Brussels, only election seems certain Rossella Chiusaroli, provincial secretary of Forza Italia, who in Ciociaria obtained (but the counting for this is still ongoing) 9,535 preferences and in the central Italy constituency is firmly in third place behind the leader Antonio Tajani and the outgoing Salvatore De Meo. Considering the fact that Tajani should resign and Forza Italia should win two seats, the doors of the European Parliament would open for Chiusaroli

Whether or not Mario Abbruzzese (Lega) enters Brussels is linked to the number of seats the party will obtain. In the province he gets over 13,000 preferences but in the constituency he is currently third and if the situation remains this way he shouldn’t make it, even if Vannacci should resign; the outgoing Maria Veronica Rossi (ex Lega, running with Fratelli d’Italia) stands at over 3200 but at constituency level she is currently in last place; Luciano Conte (Green Left Alliance) exceeds 2000, but they are not enough to be elected; Giuseppina Bonaviri (“United States of Europe”) is also over 2000,


Compared to five years ago, looking at the previous European elections, Fratelli d’Italia gains almost 25% (it was at 8.9), one point more for the Pd (it was at 16.1), over four and a half for Forza Italy (started from 8.13), the League collapses and achieved the boom of 40.35%, the 5 Stars also do badly, losing practically 8 points compared to 2019 (they were at 18.57%).


«The voters’ expression of vote is clear – states the provincial president of Forza Italia, Gianluca Quadrini – we are a solid party rooted in the territory, capable of listening to the needs of citizens and responding with concreteness and determination. The province of Frosinone played a decisive role by clearly expressing the desire to have Forza Italia, through our candidates, as a point of reference for all those who believe in the values ​​of the center right and wish to be represented with competence and effectiveness in Europe. The results of our candidates, Rossella Chiusaroli and Salvatore De Meo, are concrete demonstration that we are a solid party rooted in the territory, capable of listening to the needs of citizens and responding with concreteness and determination.”

«The Democratic Party’s result is an excellent one, which confirms the sensations of a beautiful electoral campaign, carried out inch by inch, thanks to the secretary Elly Schlein capable of bringing the Democratic Party back to the streets, among the people, with a truly important popular mobilization. The Democratic Party is the party that is growing the most, which is closing the gap with Fdi with a credible proposal and an idea of ​​a Europe that is more social and closer to the needs of citizens.” So in a note Sara Battistiregional councilor of the Democratic Party of Lazio.
«In the Province of Frosinone – he continues – the Democratic Party is growing, with a better result than the previous European elections and, above all, the latest elections. Despite the absence of a local candidate, we are the second largest force in the area, thanks to an electoral campaign which saw all the PD candidates from the central constituency play a leading role in the province.”

«Less than two years ago we were over fifteen points apart, while today we are less than five. All this is certainly the fruit of the work of the new secretary, Elly Schlein, and of a party that has rediscovered and is increasingly rediscovering its true identity – said the regional president, the Ciociaro Francesco De Angelis – At this point we must feel even stronger the responsibility to build the alternative. And we must do it with the other oppositions. Because together we can and must beat the right. In Italy and Europe, with the contribution of the Democratic Party which will be decisive for the progressives in the European Parliament.”


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