» European elections. In Abruzzo the numbers of Manola Di Pasquale (PD) and Antonella Ballone (F)I are good

» European elections. In Abruzzo the numbers of Manola Di Pasquale (PD) and Antonella Ballone (F)I are good
» European elections. In Abruzzo the numbers of Manola Di Pasquale (PD) and Antonella Ballone (F)I are good

In Abruzzo the first party is Fratelli d’Italia: same given in Teramo, in contrast to the municipal ones

Almost 53% of eligible voters preferred to abstain from voting in the European elections. It is the first data, the most relevant one, which testifies to the distance of the electorate from European dynamics, from that reality which still appears as an entity that does not impact national politics.

The first party is instead that of Fratelli d’Italia which came close to 29%, followed by the PD which stood at 24%, a five star movement which narrowly missed reaching 10% together with Forza Italia 9.61%. Lega Salvini at 8.99% and Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra 6.76%. The other parties that did not obtain the numerical results to enter the European Parliament are not classified: United States of Europe, Action, Peace, Earth Dignity, Freedom and SVP.

Manola Di Pasquale, PD, from Teramo, obtains over 18 thousand votes in the southern constituency and is the Abruzzo candidate with the most votes in the region; Always in the region, Antonella Ballone of Forza Italia follows her with 13951, who however takes home 41401 in the southern constituency (fourth after Tajani, Martuscello and Princi).

Even in Teramo the leading party is Fratelli d’Italia in contrast with the municipal elections and the important data obtained by the PD in the regional elections. Valentina Corneli of the M5S in Teramo takes home over 2300 votes, more than 6000 in Abruzzo. Libera D’Amelio, Action, over 2600 in Teramo 3627 in Abruzzo. In Abruzzo the turnout was 47.1%.

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