Veneto, the PD «ZTL party» wins in Padua with the surprises of Venice and Treviso. But FdI is ahead in Vicenza and Verona (where the centre-left administers)

Strong in the historic centers and weak outside, so much so that it has been nicknamed, sometimes with a disdainful tone, “the party of the Ztl” (limited traffic zone, ed), the Democratic Party did well in the city in these European elections, especially where the centre-right governs. He won at Venice and Trevisoand is only 132 votes away from Fratelli d’Italia a Belluno although the needle, overall in Veneto, leans clearly to the right, with the triad Lega, FdI and Forza Italia close to 60%. And he won by a landslide Paduawhere however the mayor is Giordani, supported by the Democratic Party.

The European elections: how the vote went in Veneto

The trend is the opposite in the provincial capitals where the centre-left governs. The widest scissors a Rovigo (common police station which also renews the mayor and city council). Until last February in Rovigo he administered a coalition centered on the Democratic Party. Giorgia Meloni’s party at the European elections he imposed himself decisively. The gap is deep: 36.5% against 21.04% for the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party is strong in the city… but surpassed where it administers

There is margin also in Verona where in 2022 the former footballer is in charge of the centre-left Damiano Tommasi. In the European elections, FdI obtained 30.84% ​​against 22.96% for the Pd. And the distance between the Pd (25.57%) and FdI (30.01%) is almost 5 points in Vicenza where Giacomo Possamai of the Democratic Party has been mayor since last year.

Venice and Treviso are the surprises that make Schlein smile

Where the Democratic Party won only in Padua the mayor is centre-left, Sergio Giordani. Mario Conte, in Treviso, is from the League. Brugnaro with his Coraggio Italia he is in the centre-right as is supported by the centre-right Oscar De Pellegrin in Belluno. A very clear victory in Padua with 30.01% of the votes. Detached Fratelli d’Italia which stops at 25.91%.

The strong names of the centre-left in the North-East: from Zan to Bonaccini

In his city Alessandro Zan, a deputy known for his LGBT battles, led with 8,223 preferences, widely exceeding Stefano Bonaccini who instead won by a large margin in the North-East constituency. In Venice the Democratic Party recorded 28.96% while the Brothers of Italy 26.93. He won by a whisker in Conte’s Treviso, 26.3% against 26.16% FdI.

The «Ztl party» and the new balance of the center-right in Veneto

By inhabitants, the first six municipalities in Veneto are provincial capitals, in order Verona, Venice, Padua, Vicenza, Treviso and Rovigo. Between this group and Belluno there are 5 other municipalities, three Venetian: Chioggia, San Donà and Mira. And two from Vicenza, Bassano and Schio. Fratelli d’Italia won in each of the European Championships.

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