Internal split within the Contini, the new clan wanted to conquer Casoria: 30 arrests

Internal split within the Contini, the new clan wanted to conquer Casoria: 30 arrests
Internal split within the Contini, the new clan wanted to conquer Casoria: 30 arrests

The organizational chart of the “Stadera Group” has been reconstructed, the investigations from two ambushes within the Secondigliano Alliance clan.

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One of the groups of the criminal galaxy of the Contini clan had split into two factions, one of these had aimed to become autonomous and gain control of Casoria and the Cittadella locality: this is the background that led to the precautionary custody order against 30 investigated. The clan, at the top of the Secondigliano Alliance (together with the Mallardos and the Licciardis), was recently hit by another operation: 11 arrests, which also dismantled the tentacles of the criminal group on the San Giovanni Bosco hospital in Naples .

Internal split within the Contini, 30 arrests

The precautionary custody order was carried out today, 20 June, by the State Police delegated by the Naples Prosecutor’s Office. The measure comes at the end of the investigations conducted by the Naples Flying Squad with the support of the Secondigliano and Poggioreale police stations, the Avellino Mobile police station and the Anzio police station.

The suspects are believed to be accused, for various reasons, of criminal association aimed at trafficking in narcotic substances, possession and possession of common firearms, aggravated personal injury, extortion, individual episodes of possession and dealing of narcotics and undue access to suitable devices to communication by prisoners. Precautionary detention in prison was ordered for 13 of the recipients of the order, while the other 17 were banned from staying in the Campania region.

Contini clan and hospital, Genny Maradona arrested: he had just returned from the United States

The investigations from two ambushes

The investigations that led to the precautionary measure started from the wounding of Gioele Lucarelli, which occurred on 20 September 2021; it turned out to be the response to another wounding, that of Gennaro De Stefano, which occurred on 2 September 2021. From the investigators’ investigations it emerged that the two were part of the same group, i.e. the so-called “Stadera Group”, an offshoot of the Contini clan . And that, in that criminal group, there had been a split.

The split in the Stadera group

One of the two factions, the investigators reconstruct in the ordinance, was dominant mainly in the “Priatorio” area, in via Stadera, headed by Carlo Folchetti; the other, active in Casoria and in particular in the Cittadella area, was instead led by Carlo Fartigianato (until his arrest on 23 November 2021) and subsequently by Gioele Lucarelli.

This second faction would have tried to establish an autonomous group, aiming to monopoly control Casoria and the Citadel, where they managed retail and wholesale drug dealing. The drugs would have been purchased both from channels referable to criminal contexts in Scampia and in those of the “Cunnulo” area, in the Poggioreale district; as well as in Casoria it would also have been sold wholesale in the drug dealing squares of Ponticelli and Secondigliano, in Avellino and in a drug dealing place managed by one of the suspects inside the Salerno prison, where the man was detained at the time .

The availability of weapons

The emerging criminal group, investigators have reconstructed, resorted to violence when the managers of the drug dealing centers did not honor their debts. He had a large availability of weapons and aimed to accumulate more, in anticipation of possible clashes with other criminal factions.

During the investigations, elements also emerged against two people regarding the wounding of Aurelio Seta on 17 December 2019; the episode should be framed in the clash, underway at the time, between the drug dealers of the “Stadera” and those of the “Bronx” of Poggioreale.

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