More disabled people at work and synergy between cooperatives and businesses

More disabled people at work and synergy between cooperatives and businesses
More disabled people at work and synergy between cooperatives and businesses

Growth in the number of job placements of people with disabilities in the area and increase in relationships between type B cooperatives and the for-profit sector. These are the results of the PONTI project, Employment Possibilities in the Territory and Businesses, of the Sol.Co Consortium of Cremona, with partners Mestieri Lombardia, Consorzio Arcobaleno and Cooperativa Igea.

They will be explored in depth during a scheduled conference Thursday 13 June from 10am to 1pm at number 81 of via Bonomelli in Cremona. Through the PONTI project, for two years, the Sol.Co. Consortium, together with its partners, worked to promote the so-called “Article 14 Convention”, which allows companies to fulfill the obligation to hire people with disabilities through social cooperatives to which companies undertake to entrust work orders. The project is financed by the Cariplo Foundation and in collaboration with Il Collocamento Mirato of the Province of Cremona, supported by Confcooperative Cremona.

They will speak at the conference Davide LonghiPresident of the Sol.Co Consortium of Cremona e Gianluca Ruberti, Mestieri Lombardia OU of Sol.Co Mantua. In addition to the objectives achieved, Viviana BassanFondazione Cariplo, will talk about future prospects by introducing the round table composed of Simonetta DonsanteHead of the Employment Policy Service for the Disabled, Michele BrugnoliLabor Policy Service for the Disabled of the Province of Cremona, Ilaria Quarenghi And Riccardo Pini of the Order of Labor Consultants, Nicoletta SharecroppersVice President of Apindustria Confimi Cremona, Sara Gregori of Corazzi Fiber Srl, Elena CurciGeneral Secretary of Cgil Cremona, Lombardy Region, Andrea Tolominidirector of Confcooperative Cremona e Diego Negrotti, President of the Meraki Cooperative. Moderate Flaviano ZandonaiOpen Innovation Manager of the National CGM Consortium.

An opportunity to enhance the quantitative and qualitative results of the project and to lay the foundations for continuing important synergies between the world of cooperation, trade associations and businesses, with attention to people with fragility.

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