Cesena, Goldoni’s “La Locandiera” is staged for the Arrt

Wednesday 26 Juneat 9 pm, at Cloister of San FrancescoL’Romagna Cancer Research Association and the “Dica 33” Theater Company will bring to the stage “The innkeeper” by Carlo Goldoni. The proceeds of the evening will go in favor of the Romagna Cancer Research Association in support of its cancer prevention projects.

The company

The “Dica 33” company is made up of doctors and healthcare professionals, employees and former employees of the Romagna Local Health Authoritywho, sharing a passion for theatre, in 2018 they created an amateur theater company dedicated to solidarity and charity projects. A life dedicated therefore to others, combining the medical vocation with civil and solidarity commitment. The following are part of the company: Alessandra Foschi(pediatrician), Massimo Magnani (Director of the OU, Otolaryngology of the Bufalini Hospital in Cesena), Donato Calista (dermatologist), Davide Bruschi (oncologist), Elena Magnani (internist doctor), Elisabetta Cicognani (doctor of general medicine), Filippo Collinelli (general practitioner) and Sandra Schianchi (dermatologist).

Romagna Cancer Research Association

Arrt is a legally recognized body belonging to the ODV and since 1980 operates in the area in order to stimulate “oncology prevention”. Carry out cancer prevention and surveillance through the “I play in advance” project in the following ways: diagnostic tests at its own clinic and in decentralized offices, free periodic visits, education projects on correct eating habits and physical activity in primary schools, conferences and meetings in public places and private associations on prevention and healthy lifestyles life. For further information on the evening And to purchase your ticket it’s possible contact Arrt by calling 0547 29125from Monday to Friday, from 08.30 to 18.30.

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