Fratelli d’Italia first party in the province of Parma at the European Championships. In the North-East 10 thousand votes for Pizzarotti, almost 7 thousand for Dall’Olio

Fratelli d’Italia first party in the province of Parma at the European Championships. In the North-East 10 thousand votes for Pizzarotti, almost 7 thousand for Dall’Olio
Fratelli d’Italia first party in the province of Parma at the European Championships. In the North-East 10 thousand votes for Pizzarotti, almost 7 thousand for Dall’Olio

After the counting of the European elections, the definitive data indicate that Fratelli d’Italia is the first party in the province of Parma with 29.65% (55,382 votes). According to the Democratic Party: 29.20% equal to 54,552 votes. The League came third: 8.72% (16,296). This is followed by the 5 Star Movement (7.07%, 13,200), Forza Italia (7.07%, 13,198), the Greens and Left Alliance (6.82%, 12,792), Action-We are Europeans (4.56%, 8,517), United States of Europe (3.35%, 6,263), Pace Terra Dignità (2.49%, 4,650), Llibertà (0.60%, 1,115), Alternativa Popolare (0.30%, 557) and Sudtiroler Volkspartei ( 0.15%, 276).

Total lists: 186,798 votes.
Eligible voters: 352,490
Voters: 194,987 (55.32%)
Invalid ballots: 5,047
Blank ballots: 3,136
Contested ballots: 6

Preferences for Parma candidates

In Parma and its province, on the Action list, Federico Pizzarotti obtained 3,146 votes (first in preferences); in the North-East constituency Pizzarotti obtains 10,940 votes (he is third after Calenda and Paul Kollensperger).

In the League list, Emiliano Occhi has 1,468 preferences (he is second in Parma after Vannacci); in the North-East 1,968 votes.

United States of Europe: 1,327 preferences for Nicola Cesari (he is first in the Parma area) and 2,555 in the North-East (seventh on the list).

Alleanza Verdi Sinistra: Nicola Dall’Olio obtains 2,579 in the Parma area (he is first in terms of preferences in the list in the province), 6,904 in the North-East constituency (fifth).

The leaders in the Parma area
Stefano Bonaccini gets 21,691 in Parma; Giorgia Meloni obtains 18,594 votes in the province of Parma. General Vannacci with the League 6,088 votes, Tajani (Forza Italia) 2,830.

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