Cna presents the EmpowerHer cycle. Discussion on women and business

Cna presents the EmpowerHer cycle. Discussion on women and business
Cna presents the EmpowerHer cycle. Discussion on women and business

EmpowerHer: business voices and female discussion. This is the title of the series of meetings organized by CNA Pisa – with the patronage of the Municipality of Pisa, the Tuscany Region and the North West Tuscany Chamber of Commerce – starting on Wednesday 12 June, from 5pm to 7pm, in the Sala delle Baleari. Four events – on the common thread of the various round tables organized by the trade association in recent years and, lastly in chronological order, together with the equal opportunities department of the Municipality of Pisa on the occasion of the Women’s March – to promote entrepreneurship female and analyze the challenges and opportunities for women in overcoming gender stereotypes. It starts on June 12th and ends on November 25th on the occasion of the national day against violence against women. “EmpowerHer” – conceived by the women’s business committee of CNA Pisa with Barbara Carli, deputy director of CNA Pisa – will see the organization of four round tables, each focused on a specific topic and/or sector: transport, construction, well-being and equal pay . “The objective is to create awareness and an environment of sharing, learning and networking, promoting policies and practices that promote gender equality and the empowerment of women – they explain from CNA Pisa -. At the same time the series of meetings aims to raise awareness people with the aim of bridging the current gender gap and providing an opportunity for meeting and exchange between entrepreneurs, sector experts and institutions, promoting collaborations and new initiatives. We thank the Municipality of Pisa and councilor Porcaro for the usual availability, the Tuscany Region and the North West Tuscany Chamber of Commerce which will host two meetings in its headquarters in Pisa”. First appointment on Wednesday with the round table dedicated to women in transport, a sector traditionally the prerogative of men. It will be an opportunity to talk with Linda Stivala, aviation sales director of Toscana Aeroporti Spa, Valentina Pulidori, councilor of the Taxi Pisa cooperative (COTAPI), Chiara Orsetti, NCC (rental company with driver), Monica Fiaschi, freight transport – Individual company Nelli Massimiliano and Marzia Bottaini, NCC Bus, Touristata Bus SNC. The meeting, which will see the participation and institutional greetings of councilor Gabriella Porcaro and Ivana Cerato, president of the CNA Pisa women’s business committee, will be coordinated by the journalist and communications manager of CNA Pisa, Francesca Franceschi.

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