Weather report Sunday. Strong thunderstorms in the North, intense heat instead in Southern Italy. Situation and forecast « 3B Meteo

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Sunday, between sun and thunderstorms

News 7.00 pm – Strong thunderstorms, real cloudbursts associated with strong electrical activity and even hail affected Piedmont, particularly the province of Turin where accumulations reached up to 50mm in a few hours. Disturbances were reported in Bussoleno where an underpass was flooded. Strong thunderstorms also in Lombardy, in the provinces of Brescia and Lecco as well as in the Treviso area in Veneto.

News at 3pm. The first storm events developed in the last few hours in the North, in particular in Piedmont between the provinces of Biella and Verbania and in Veneto in the province of Treviso. Scattered precipitation also affects other regions, albeit of weak intensity, also associated with desert dust according to yet another episode this year.

WEATHER SITUATION – This morning’s satellite image highlights the contrast between the meteorological conditions of the different Italian regions. While the South and Sicily are under the influence of the North African anticyclone, Northern Italy is preparing to face a disturbance coming from the Iberian Peninsula. This disturbance is also associated with a new transport of dust from the desert.

Sunday opens with the first signs of a significant meteorological change in Northern Italy, due to the approach of this disturbance. The first rainfall has already started to affect the North-West since Saturday evening, a prelude to an increase in instability expected in the next few hours.

current situation in Italy from satellite
current situation in Italy from satellite

SUNDAY WEATHER – Over the next few hours, atmospheric instability intensifies in the North and extends, through showers and thunderstorms, from west to east, resulting intense and also with possible hail by the evening-night. The predominantly medium-high cloud cover will affect Central Italy, with the first phenomena expected in Tuscany and along the Apennines.

The rest of the peninsula will enjoy stable and sunny weather conditions. In the South, the heat will be the protagonist with temperatures reaching peaks of 35 degrees, especially in Sicily and in the internal areas of Puglia and Calabria.

WEEKLY WEATHER – The week will be with two-speed weather. Intense heat, with temperatures above 35 degrees, will continue to affect the extreme southern regions throughout the first part of next week. In Sicily, in particular, peaks of around 36-38 degrees may be recorded. Northern Italy, on the other hand, will be affected by a very unstable flow with episodes of precipitation, even of strong intensity, real storms, even with hail and with cooler temperatures than the rest of Italy.

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