Civil Service and Skills Certification: Arpal Umbria, Legacoop and Confcooperative open a pact for young people

Civil Service and Skills Certification: Arpal Umbria, Legacoop and Confcooperative open a pact for young people
Civil Service and Skills Certification: Arpal Umbria, Legacoop and Confcooperative open a pact for young people

Legacoop Umbria and Confcooperative Umbria have been engaged for years in the co-programming of the Universal Civil Service through projects that involve thousands of young people throughout the Umbrian territory in active citizenship paths, in particular relating to the values ​​of solidarity, non-violence, peace education and aid to community, cornerstones of universal civil service. The Civil Service undoubtedly generates transversal skills, since young people, thanks to the activities envisaged by the projects, acquire concrete skills and relational skills.

For some years the civil service system has felt the need to issue young people, in addition to the end-of-service certificate, further recognition for the relevant citizenship experience they have been able to achieve in the 12 months. To this end, by introducing an important element of innovation, Legacoop, Confcooperative and ARPAL Umbria have jointly launched a process for the “Recognition of Skills” for volunteer operators involved in the Civil Service experience in over 50 associated cooperatives.

This Agreement represents today in Umbria the first example of certification of skills in the field of civil service, an experience that has few other replicas in the other regions of Italy.

The Extraordinary Commissioner of ARPAL Umbria, Francesco Siciliano, underlines that: “The Agency has started, through the internal Section that deals with the Certification of skills, the implementation of the “Unified regulatory framework of the regional system of identification, validation and certification of skills” within the regional integrated system approved in January 2024. In this context – continues the Commissioner – the adoption of the document ‘Guidelines relating to the process of identification, validation and certification of skills (IVC) aimed at volunteers of the national civil service 2022-2023 carried out at accredited universal civil service bodies’ with which our skills and experience were used to support a valuable initiative in favor of young people”.

In the month of June, over 100 volunteer operators from Legacoop and Confcooperative will reach the conclusion of the Certification process and will acquire Units of Competence included in the regional repertoire of professional standards.

“Legacoop Umbria has been promoting civil service as an important experience for our young people for 25 years – underlines Andrea Radicchi SCU Manager Legacoop Umbria – the agreement with ARPAL Umbria for the certification of skills is an extremely interesting goal for the young people who, at the end of the course, they will be able to officially make use of the skills acquired during the year of civil service. This is a further step, concludes Radicchi, to qualify the training and life experience of young people through civil service”.

For Giosuè Tassone, Head of the Confcooperative Umbria Universal Civil Service, “the Agreement between the bodies involved represents a milestone in institutional collaboration practices at a regional level and a best practice that can be replicated at a national level. The Universal Civil Service institute is therefore increasingly closer to the needs of young people and attentive to their future opportunities”.

This content was written by a community user. The author is solely responsible for the publication.

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