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Rugby: solidarity takes to the field at the Invernici Brescia Stadium with the “Neurone Trophy”

Rugby: solidarity takes to the field at the Invernici Brescia Stadium with the “Neurone Trophy”
Rugby: solidarity takes to the field at the Invernici Brescia Stadium with the “Neurone Trophy”

Brescia. On Saturday 8 June, at 5.00 pm at the Invernici Stadium in Brescia, in via della Maggia 18 in Brescia, the solidarity challenge with the fourth edition of the “Neuron Trophy”the charity rugby tournament, born in 2016 with the aim of bringing together old friends and teammates Rugby Rovato And Rugby Lioness 1928 and raise funds to support the Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation – ETS.
The initiative, promoted in collaboration with some companies from Brescia and with the Milanese team “Ignoranz”, enjoys the patronage of the Municipality of Brescia, and was presented at the Club House of the Invernici Stadium. Speakers: Daniele Porrino, President of the Association Traveling with Fede Odv; Philippe Doussy, Coach of the Italian national rugby team and former Rovato player, Luca Fasani, Vice President Rugby Brescia and Dr Ermanno Rizzi, Head of Calls and Research Projects of the Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation. The councilor spoke for the Municipality of Brescia Francesco Tomasini.
For all fans of the oval ball, it will be an unmissable opportunity celebration and solidarity. This year, in fact, the “Neuron Trophy” will have a dual charitable purpose: the proceeds will contribute in part to the support of the FFC#14 2023 project of the Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation, coordinated by Dr. Moira Paroni of the University of Milan, and partly with the support of the social promotion association Traveling with Fede ODV, created in memory of Federico Doga, a very young rugby player who died last year in a road accident.
The teams of the Friends of Faith and the Milanese “Ignoranz” will take to the field to compete for the goal. The sporting event, with free entry, will see the extraordinary participation of Philippe Doussy, coach of the Italian national rugby team and former Rovato player and together with him well-known names in Italian rugby and players and personalities who have always been close to this sport.
“I am very happy to be able to restart with the Neurone Trophy after the interruption due to Covid. – he claims Daniele Porrino, president of the Traveling with Faith Association – In the past we have managed to support many projects and we hope to continue in this edition too. Furthermore, being able to link our association INVIAGGIOCONFEDE to this beautiful initiative and the collection for our projects fills us with pride. Our activities are helping many young people to realize their dreams and continue the journey that Fede interrupted too soon.”
“Thanks to these events it is possible to raise people’s awareness of cystic fibrosis, the most widespread serious genetic disease in Europe, and at the same time raise funds to advance research. – he declares Ermanno Rizzi, Head of tenders and research projects of the Foundation for Research on Cystic Fibrosis – For this disease which does not yet have a definitive cure, research represents the concrete answer to arrive at increasingly effective therapies. The lives of many people with cystic fibrosis have improved in recent years thanks to innovative treatments and new drugs, modulators. But there are still many challenges to face, from eradicating lung infections to finding more effective therapies that act on the basic defect also at the DNA level. The mission of our Foundation is in fact to arrive at a cure for everyone, even for the 30% of people with mutations that are orphans of therapy”.
“I thank my friend Daniele Porrino, I am really happy to participate in this initiative and to be able to give my contribution to supporting research on cystic fibrosis and the association Traveling with Faith. – he claims Philippe Doussy – On Saturday I will be present to see the players on the pitch and above all the values ​​of rugby, for a great day of unity and solidarity.”
At the end of the sporting event, the party will follow “After Match” with a special DJ set.
Entrance is free.

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