APRILIA FILM FESTIVAL: registrations open to participate in the sixth edition

APRILIA FILM FESTIVAL: registrations open to participate in the sixth edition
APRILIA FILM FESTIVAL: registrations open to participate in the sixth edition

The call for participation in the 6th edition of the Aprilia Film Festival is officially open, an event conceived by Federico Paolini and organized by the Cuore Comico Association which this year will take place on 20, 21 and 22 September 2024 at the Lux Multiplex in Aprilia (LT) and will have Massimiliano Bruno and Alice Sabatini as testimonials.
Born in 2018 with the aim of enhancing the connection with the territory, enhancing cultural tourism and paying homage to the host city, the festival is aimed at all independent filmmakers, without age or nationality limits, who want to present their short films and make them known to the public and sector professionals. Among the guests and jurors who took part in the event were Massimiliano Bruno, Alex Polidori, Monica Word, Gianni Corsi, Luciano Fontana, Davide Lepore, Chiara Luna Oliviero, Perla Liberatori and Guglielmo Poggi.
To submit the nomination of your cinematographic work you will have until August 24th at 11.59pm. The registration methods are described in detail on the website https://filmfreeway.com/APRILIAFILMFESTIVAL
The Aprilia Film Festival is created with the support of the Municipality of Aprilia, the Lazio Region, the Rotary Club Association, the Province of Latina, in collaboration with other regional and provincial activities that believe in the event. Sponsors of the current edition are the Aprilia 2 shopping center and Urban Vision. The event enjoys the patronage of the Municipality of Aprilia, Proloco of Aprilia, the Lazio Region, Nuovo Imaie and the Province of Latina.


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