«The company remains public, it is a good for all citizens»

«The company remains public, it is a good for all citizens»
«The company remains public, it is a good for all citizens»
The objective is to work so that Amet, the municipal company of Trani, is not privatised. The hope is that this risk can be averted and remains public for the benefit of the common good. From this point of view, the coordinator of the Chamber of Labour, Francesca Bruno, is on the same wavelength as the CEO Angelo Nigretti. In recent days a meeting took place in the presence of the CGIL and the Amet leaders, in which the general secretary of Filcams Cgil Bat, Tina Prasti, also participated, Filctem, represented by the general secretary, Pietro Fiorella and by Ignazio Tanzi and Alessandro Lionetti of Filt, all categories involved in the affair given the different sectors in which Amet operates.

«They are aiming to avoid losing a historical monument, a patrimonial asset of the city of Trani since 1908, an attempt on which the lawyer Nigretti is also working to bring the proposal to Mayor Bottaro’s table. Unfortunately over time – comments Francesca Bruno – the situation has gradually deteriorated due to neglect and inattention to “public affairs” and the failure to listen to critical proposals and visions, such as that of the CGIL which, on several occasions, has urged the adoption of effective interventions starting from the investments of economic resources, together with the valorisation of all those professionals, already in possession of their own know-how to ensure continuous training, essential to guarantee the safety and growth of work itself, in an increasingly technological context advanced which, inevitably, steals the show to the advantage, perhaps, of a few, thinking, today, that privatization seems to be the only solution, perhaps, to be implemented”.

«We are convinced that there is still the possibility to save what can be saved, after a meeting with the vice mayor Fabrizio Ferrante we feel we can say that there is some glimmer of openness and willingness to accept the CEO’s proposal for a careful evaluation which requires time but which, we hope, will be useful, the Mayor’s words are quoted in the aftermath of the decision to sell all utilities by January 10th, not to “reproach myself for the slowness in arriving at a decision inevitable” but rather to see the opportunity to take more time, to say to himself and to the community as a whole that he has made every attempt to avert the end of a story. An evaluation which, it is hoped, will be made public, to allow the various actors of this community the widest possible participation and sharing. We are certainly not asking to become aware of the various choices that the Administration adopts on a daily basis, but we certainly want to remember that the “Amet” theme is the heritage of the entire city of Trani and, for this reason, we are asking to participate”, hopes Bruno.

«The choices of the management or of a small number of people risk alienating the citizen from the community by not feeling an integral part of the environment in which he lives, estranged from issues that actually concern him! Listening and giving voice to the complex system of relationships that goes from the technical-industrial, to the employees, to the political, to the social such as the presence of trade unions, together with those of the associations, allows – concludes the coordinator of the chamber of labor – the expansion of visions and sharing, necessary, especially for those more difficult choices that will mark history”.

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